Once you hit a certain age...are you "pharmed" out..Forest is known for that
Basically, if you have been in pharma for more than 3 years and are between the ages of 35 and 45, you are not wanted here. A manager told me that while putting me on LOC
how would you feel if you were a dr and a 21-24yr old blonde surfer dude or chick start detailing you, get real Forest, you need to start hiring older people with experience and compensate properly
Once you hit a certain age...are you "pharmed" out..Forest is known for that
how would you feel if you were a dr and a 21-24yr old blonde surfer dude or chick start detailing you, get real Forest, you need to start hiring older people with experience and compensate properly
So true as goes with a lot of other companies hiring young people with no experience. On the other hand, we were all young with no experience at one time.... We are just better with age.
It's really not so much the age as it is intelligence. As soon as you get to the point where you know what you're doing and realize your DM and RD are moronic fucking numbnuts, they want you gone. The reason they want you gone is because at that point you start to question the dumbass shit they want you to do and they don't like that.
Why do you think that is?
Well said. The managers or "leaders" cough, cough, they like to be called don't have a clue. Their solutions are put everyone on LOCs. What does this solve? Not a damn thing.
This is one of the truest statements I've ever read on this board. Intelligent thought - once an attribute at Forest - is now a detriment. God forbid you don't tow the Company line, It is really ashame how much the management levels have been dumbed down. Even "senior sales management," i.e. the RD's, have no real decision making authority. The want yes men that drink the cool aid. It's sad.
and you are just now figuring this out? this has been the mantra here at frx for the last 10 years. ship in and ship reps, when the rep picks up on the scheme and bullshit and politics they are either fired or they quit out of misery. then forest reloads the boat with more dumb-asses and ships the suckers to Commack for consumption and role playing, then turn that sorry bunch over and hit the repeat button in 6 months.
There is a reason forest does not give vacation upon hire, there is a reason forest enforces adn brags and threatens about the "probation period of new hire" and why they have token shit dumps in each district act as the "knark" and pod rat.......this is the motel 6 of pharma, if you are just seeing this for the first time, you are dumber than you sound.