Age discrimination Lawsuit be filed against Lilly

Heard that an age discrimination lawsuit is being filed against Lilly. It's about time, they have long kept older applicants out of the company!

Find it hard to believe it’ll succeed. Some Puerto Rico employees tried after the 1993 VERP and it was dismissed. Their stories sound like 2017, but they couldn’t produce evidence to prove age discrimination.

All of the old FDEs they hired were let go for incompetence and unwillingness to learn in my department. good riddance.

Who in their right mind would accept a position as an FDE? Although I agree, because they live paycheck to paycheck, they have no incentive to develop themselves. Also, why invest in training one? They are just pairs of hands.

Someone should look into it and possibly file. I’ve taken (and failed) that application questionnaire twice. I should have screen captured the questions but there were a handful that were worded “ how many years has it been since you graduated college” or something like that.

Good - it’s quite clear that the hiring process discriminates against people 40+

And, managers & directors have been quite open about it.

We are living in the future, and the future has a LOT of competent older workers, thanks to nutritional labeling, increased physical fitness due to good diet and exercise, dramatically less tobacco use and ... Ummm- oh! Life saving medicine.

Witness the hypocrisy.

Good luck with that if you are suing. Lilly is going young and cheap. Very obvious. Ricks wants us all gone. Did you not notice how the stock jumped after verp? What a shocker.

Good luck with that if you are suing. Lilly is going young and cheap. Very obvious. Ricks wants us all gone. Did you not notice how the stock jumped after verp? What a shocker.

Ditto for research. Dan S wants “old” (ie Ricks age and older) people, especially leadership, out because he thinks younger people will take more risks. Yeah, because they don’t have the benefit of experience to learn when to take risk and when to be cautious, since we are dealing with human lives and all.

Ditto for research. Dan S wants “old” (ie Ricks age and older) people, especially leadership, out because he thinks younger people will take more risks. Yeah, because they don’t have the benefit of experience to learn when to take risk and when to be cautious, since we are dealing with human lives and all.

That’s funny. It’s all cost. Cheaper is better for bottom line in short term. That is all

Ditto for research. Dan S wants “old” (ie Ricks age and older) people, especially leadership, out because he thinks younger people will take more risks. Yeah, because they don’t have the benefit of experience to learn when to take risk and when to be cautious, since we are dealing with human lives and all.
The HIGHER the risk, the HIGHER the reward$$$$.

Thats because those spineless leaders only care about the short term so they can get promoted and move on to the next gig. No visionarys in this sorry company. Pathetic.
Pathetic? Not really. If you play your political cards right within Lilly you can become a multi-millionaire in less than 10 years and retire. Who cares about Lilly's long-term future. It's all about your future.

Forget the ADEA lawsuit. The Court has been very unfavorable to age complaints. I don’t work for Lilly, but have had some “experience “ in that area. If everyone over age 40 filed a complaint with the EEOC, Lilly would be in a pickle! You can do it online. #’s are important, but unless less you have some unequivocal, locked down evidence of actual age discrimination, then forget it.

I retired from a major pharmaceutical company, and I can tell you they laugh at these posts. Real evidence though, will keep them awake at nights.

Forget the ADEA lawsuit. The Court has been very unfavorable to age complaints. I don’t work for Lilly, but have had some “experience “ in that area. If everyone over age 40 filed a complaint with the EEOC, Lilly would be in a pickle! You can do it online. #’s are important, but unless less you have some unequivocal, locked down evidence of actual age discrimination, then forget it.

I retired from a major pharmaceutical company, and I can tell you they laugh at these posts. Real evidence though, will keep them awake at nights.
Real evidence, like real world outcomes? Your intelligence and sarcasm peek through, just a little.


Age is a SERIOUS problem at Lilly right now very inexperienced people are being promoted into leadership positions while the best qualified candidates are told the company need to go in another (younger, cheaper) direction. This should be a lawsuit. Having been a part of the defense of and age discrimination suit at Lilly once, they know how to spins it to get it dismissed, but there are so many incidents now, maybe one of these suits will work.

Two different issues. With regards to VERP, it is a voluntary reduction program. HR tabulates the age of people selected to leave to make sure there is no "adverse impact" of people leaving (such as age discrimination). Most people that exit do so willingly and take a severance package. To receive the package, the employee must sign a release agreement, stating that he/she will never take any future legal action against the company. If you don't sign the agreement, you don't get the money.

With regards to FDE, the abbreviation is "fixed duration employment". So anyone that is hired as a FDE knows in advance that when the term expires, their employment ends. The term for a FDE may be as short as several months, but could be as long as (maximum) four years. The reason for 4 year max is that a pension legally acrues at 5 years. So there would be little ground for age discrimination for hiring a FDE if that person knows in advance that their contract will end.

Only a related note, renovations will begin next month on the 11th and 12th floors of 74. By midyear, these floors will be reopened as assisted living facilities for our senior leadership team.