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After reading so many bitch posts ...


talking about patients, profits, payers, I think y’all need to step back.
The forces of the last 5+ years have already shown us the US pharma market is overblown.
2 reps, 3, Es, Ds Hs whatever ... it all points to are we really bringing value.

Covid cut the lunch cord. We’re not critical to the practice, payers have more leverage each day and profits suffer.

Don’t kid yourself, it’s not sustainable.

It’s time to change industries before you’ve got 20+ years in pharma, are in you 50s, are a while male and a ‘restructuring’ takes place.

A three-legged turtle has a better chance of surviving in the Serengeti.


talking about patients, profits, payers, I think y’all need to step back.
The forces of the last 5+ years have already shown us the US pharma market is overblown.
2 reps, 3, Es, Ds Hs whatever ... it all points to are we really bringing value.

Covid cut the lunch cord. We’re not critical to the practice, payers have more leverage each day and profits suffer.

Don’t kid yourself, it’s not sustainable.

It’s time to change industries before you’ve got 20+ years in pharma, are in you 50s, are a while male and a ‘restructuring’ takes place.

A three-legged turtle has a better chance of surviving in the Serengeti.

Maybe you aren’t bringing value? I’m going to ride this gig as long as I can and work as hard as I can to make money. I find ways to bring value to my customers besides bringing Starbucks. Learn how to leverage your relationships and maybe you will find some success. They still need us to drive business.

So do you drink the Kool Aid with a glass or do you get all upside down and Butt Chug to the song from the Ozempic launch meeting?

Oooooooooooooooooo! Oh Oh Ooooooooooooooooooo!

No way, no how. Have a family member in the music industry, I just asked them how much it would take to get someone his caliber to record 2 acoustic songs from the comfort of his own home studio, they said maybe a few thousand. Most big-name artists ( his age, at or nearing past-touring age) would do for 4-5K. Think about it, those are great songs but songs he has sung hundreds and hundreds of times, maybe took 20-30 minutes total out of his day for setup and singing.