Aesthetic Commission


I have received a call from a recruiter stating that the comission goal is $60,000 per year for the aesthetic sales position. I am always leary of goal structures. The recruiter also claimed that base salaries were dependent upon years in the industry?? I am very interested in this position, but would like some real world input.

Thank you very much!!

if you sign on here, it will be the worst two years of your life. So weigh the comp plan against your sanity. If you sign on, two years from then, you'll recall this post, like a deer in headlights. You have been warned.

if you sign on here, it will be the worst two years of your life. So weigh the comp plan against your sanity. If you sign on, two years from then, you'll recall this post, like a deer in headlights. You have been warned.

I've recently been "deselected" from my company after 10 years (total of 17 years biotech/pharm experience). My recruiter mentioned open positions in your company. I know all too well that this job can be hellish if you work for a micromanager, but there's only extremely negative comments and feedback about this company and I'm hoping for some honest answers as to what the deal is here. Every company is terrible these days, the grass is never greener and layoffs are on the horizon for every firm. Please tell me why this particular company is so awful to work for. Is it more than terrible managers riding you and giving you added stress and anxiety? thanks.

No one can prepare you for this environment. I am gone now and wish I would have taken these posts to heart and never joined this sick, sick company - please value your abilities and sanity and don't think about it for another second. The culture created from top down is like no other! I have your experience with a few of the top copmpanies and this was worse than the worst of all put together!!! I can handle anything and would prefer unemployment to the games here. Hope this helps.

No one can prepare you for this environment. I am gone now and wish I would have taken these posts to heart and never joined this sick, sick company - please value your abilities and sanity and don't think about it for another second. The culture created from top down is like no other! I have your experience with a few of the top copmpanies and this was worse than the worst of all put together!!! I can handle anything and would prefer unemployment to the games here. Hope this helps.

Wow, it sounds like a real nightmare. Can I ask you if you stayed in the industry or ventured into another field? I can't believe what's transpired in our industry in the past 2 years. I've niched myself in pharma/biotech sales and after being laid off am disgusted with what the job has become but have become so demotivated by rejection that I can't even think of what else I can do despite my abilites. Are there any companies that are worthwhile considering? I'm willing to take a cut in salary to actually enjoy my work. This has become a soul-less job. Thanks and best of luck to you.

I'm using my valid experience from the industry, when our efforts actually made a difference, in a somewhat different more meaningful job. Its much more important then collecting signatures for scripts that will never be filled or will be changed by corporate to reward reps who are drinking the koolaid. Good Luck - I am much happier : ) Don't niche yourself in this industry, there are many transferable skills that will make a difference and a worthwhile career for many of those laid off!

I'm using my valid experience from the industry, when our efforts actually made a difference, in a somewhat different more meaningful job. Its much more important then collecting signatures for scripts that will never be filled or will be changed by corporate to reward reps who are drinking the koolaid. Good Luck - I am much happier : ) Don't niche yourself in this industry, there are many transferable skills that will make a difference and a worthwhile career for many of those laid off!

I'm glad you found something more fulfilling. I've been so stressed and putting a lot of pressure on myself to find a new career pathway but nothing seems like the right fit. I wish I got out of this industry earlier; it sucked the life out of me without my even knowing it. Best of luck to you.

By now, hopefully all of you have realized cafepharma is nothing more than a platform for whiners and complainers. People that are upset about what they deserve, didn't get, and who's to blame. For decades disgruntled pharma reps complain about a lack of job satisfaction and worthless career that they're in. Here's an idea to those who perennially complain, get out and find a job more suitable for your desires and skill sets. This is a great job, and those who take pride in their work derive great satisfaction from it. A job's worth comes from the effort you put into it, not external rewards.

As far as skill sets, if you're an adroit salesman you should be able to convince a potential employer in a different arena that you can do the job you're looking to do. Sales is a tremendous skill set to have, and if you use the skill set deftly and with good taste you should be able to obtain just about anything you want in life.

So to all you who complain about how hard and meaningless the job has become. Get out and find a new job or shut up and the job you signed up to do.

I'm glad you found something more fulfilling. I've been so stressed and putting a lot of pressure on myself to find a new career pathway but nothing seems like the right fit. I wish I got out of this industry earlier; it sucked the life out of me without my even knowing it. Best of luck to you.

What did you transfer into? I'm having a hard time getting out of pharma....or out of sales in general.

Well, usually you have to educate yourself, train yourself, be encouraged by a fine mentor, and make the right contacts to get into a profession, vocation, or life pursuit. So, if you don't want to be in pharma or sales any more and can't even think of what you could do outside of pharma and/or sales in general, especially at this point in your life, then you are so far behind the eight ball that I can only feel sorry for you.
Many wandering souls make their way into pharma thinking they will get an easy ride...i.e. lots of money and benefits for a meager input of energy and false talent. If fact, that is where cafepharma gets its fodder to keep this website alive and profitable as evidenced by the pathological negativeness that overwhelms most postings. When reality hits, the pressure exposes these people for the aimless vagabonds they truely are and reasonable observes simply wonder what were they thinking.
What are you doing with the life God gave you, man? What are you doing?

By now, hopefully all of you have realized cafepharma is nothing more than a platform for whiners and complainers. People that are upset about what they deserve, didn't get, and who's to blame. For decades disgruntled pharma reps complain about a lack of job satisfaction and worthless career that they're in. Here's an idea to those who perennially complain, get out and find a job more suitable for your desires and skill sets. This is a great job, and those who take pride in their work derive great satisfaction from it. A job's worth comes from the effort you put into it, not external rewards.

As far as skill sets, if you're an adroit salesman you should be able to convince a potential employer in a different arena that you can do the job you're looking to do. Sales is a tremendous skill set to have, and if you use the skill set deftly and with good taste you should be able to obtain just about anything you want in life.

So to all you who complain about how hard and meaningless the job has become. Get out and find a new job or shut up and the job you signed up to do.

So why are you on here loser.