By now, hopefully all of you have realized cafepharma is nothing more than a platform for whiners and complainers. People that are upset about what they deserve, didn't get, and who's to blame. For decades disgruntled pharma reps complain about a lack of job satisfaction and worthless career that they're in. Here's an idea to those who perennially complain, get out and find a job more suitable for your desires and skill sets. This is a great job, and those who take pride in their work derive great satisfaction from it. A job's worth comes from the effort you put into it, not external rewards.
As far as skill sets, if you're an adroit salesman you should be able to convince a potential employer in a different arena that you can do the job you're looking to do. Sales is a tremendous skill set to have, and if you use the skill set deftly and with good taste you should be able to obtain just about anything you want in life.
So to all you who complain about how hard and meaningless the job has become. Get out and find a new job or shut up and the job you signed up to do.