
Point received. If you have been in the workforce and not forced to seek employment, it is new world. It can take a long, long time to find another job. Most jobs today pay little and provide few. if any, meaningful benefits. If you are over 40, you will have to re-invent yourself.
Oh the good times await. Going from 120k annually to 18k annually hurts beyond comprehension.

Update your LinkedIn account. There are jobs on LinkedIn and I had been contacted by recruiters thanks to LinkedIn. Once connected to recruiters or other key personnel on LinkedIn, don't be shy respond back and pitch yourself! You will be surprise to the response. Yes, prep now, Valeant by all accounts is all about profits and screw the people. You are better than that! Take this moment in your career and ask yourself what do I really want to do? For me, this was a great run! I had met so many dynamic people during my tenure at B&L and I know I will see them again, because this industry is small.

Update your LinkedIn account. There are jobs on LinkedIn and I had been contacted by recruiters thanks to LinkedIn. Once connected to recruiters or other key personnel on LinkedIn, don't be shy respond back and pitch yourself! You will be surprise to the response. Yes, prep now, Valeant by all accounts is all about profits and screw the people. You are better than that! Take this moment in your career and ask yourself what do I really want to do? For me, this was a great run! I had met so many dynamic people during my tenure at B&L and I know I will see them again, because this industry is small.

Excellent attitude and I share it.. been a great experience regardless of what happens next. I'll always have that to move forward with.