

Download all data to j drive, network out in field and get names, pull in favors from docs, introduce yourself to dms u see in field, kiss everyones ass still u never know, interview at leastntwice before you interview for anything you want, search company boards, you always interview best when employed, and never bash your old company or competition (it was a great experience, learn to say that),

You will have to broaden your horizons:

It may not be Pharma - do you really want more of the same?

You may have to work as a contract rep - Pay your bills

Work a retail night job, starting NOW - Pay your bills

You have to do what you feel is beneath you - Pay your bills

If you are on 2 incomes - learn to live and change with one - that's doable, harsh as it seems, it is!

Get a car (if you dont have one) and KEEP it.

Reach out to each other, reach out to those that have been through this last year.

This will change your life forever, but don't let the negative side of it define you.

Interviewers understand "Layoff", now the product you are selling is YOU!

Download all data to j drive, network out in field and get names, pull in favors from docs, introduce yourself to dms u see in field, kiss everyones ass still u never know, interview at leastntwice before you interview for anything you want, search company boards, you always interview best when employed, and never bash your old company or competition (it was a great experience, learn to say that),

Thanks for the advice. One more thing for you go get used to saying: "How would you like your burger cooked?"