Get out of sales. If you got let go use this as an opportunity to get out of sales and find another career. Salespeople are expendable and every company knows it. I was a drug rep over 12 yrs ago and my manager at the time told me to get out of sales as soon as I could because it's an unstable career path. He was right. I didn't listen to those words for another 6 years because I was wooed by the salary, bonus, car, freedom and perks that came with the gig. In those six years I bounced from company to company and saw great reps get the axe because their territory sucked or it was never worked before them or some other extraneous circumstance. Some did suck. Anyway, the day I got out of sales 6 years ago my life became a lot more stable. I still have old coworkers in the biz and all of them have been with a ton of different companies never settling in somewhere. Anyway, just my thoughts. Good luck