Advice to Sales Reps


Get out of sales. If you got let go use this as an opportunity to get out of sales and find another career. Salespeople are expendable and every company knows it. I was a drug rep over 12 yrs ago and my manager at the time told me to get out of sales as soon as I could because it's an unstable career path. He was right. I didn't listen to those words for another 6 years because I was wooed by the salary, bonus, car, freedom and perks that came with the gig. In those six years I bounced from company to company and saw great reps get the axe because their territory sucked or it was never worked before them or some other extraneous circumstance. Some did suck. Anyway, the day I got out of sales 6 years ago my life became a lot more stable. I still have old coworkers in the biz and all of them have been with a ton of different companies never settling in somewhere. Anyway, just my thoughts. Good luck

Get out of sales. If you got let go use this as an opportunity to get out of sales and find another career. Salespeople are expendable and every company knows it. I was a drug rep over 12 yrs ago and my manager at the time told me to get out of sales as soon as I could because it's an unstable career path. He was right. I didn't listen to those words for another 6 years because I was wooed by the salary, bonus, car, freedom and perks that came with the gig. In those six years I bounced from company to company and saw great reps get the axe because their territory sucked or it was never worked before them or some other extraneous circumstance. Some did suck. Anyway, the day I got out of sales 6 years ago my life became a lot more stable. I still have old coworkers in the biz and all of them have been with a ton of different companies never settling in somewhere. Anyway, just my thoughts. Good luck

What career/job did you end up with?

Amen my friend. This is my last sales gig guaranteed. I've been hit by pharma layoffs twice in 5 yrs. Not worth it to me anymore

A lot of us have similar stories. I'm on my 3rd layoff since starting in pharma 7 yrs ago. Getting out of sales is tough and I wish I could transition out as well. I know a few reps that started their own businesses and another that became a teacher. I'm looking into healthcare management or going to nursing school.

Solid advice - the world has changed an it is apparent, pharma sales is a very short term

Use it to pay off some debt, but get out as fast as you can, before you are in your late 30's and unemployable is a capacity which offers an actual career.

Get out of sales. If you got let go use this as an opportunity to get out of sales and find another career. Salespeople are expendable and every company knows it. I was a drug rep over 12 yrs ago and my manager at the time told me to get out of sales as soon as I could because it's an unstable career path. He was right. I didn't listen to those words for another 6 years because I was wooed by the salary, bonus, car, freedom and perks that came with the gig. In those six years I bounced from company to company and saw great reps get the axe because their territory sucked or it was never worked before them or some other extraneous circumstance. Some did suck. Anyway, the day I got out of sales 6 years ago my life became a lot more stable. I still have old coworkers in the biz and all of them have been with a ton of different companies never settling in somewhere. Anyway, just my thoughts. Good luck

Lets try this again asshole, what are you doing now?

Why would you keep repeating the same series of events?

Again, this is not a career.

Do you ever want to own a house, car, have any money for retirement.

A teacher/cop beats you pants down - they have stability and a pension.

You have nothing!!!

This advice sounds like advice I got coming out of college telling me how tough sales is and find a good job at a bank. Sales is a great job period, and you can out earn your peers in other professions and have freedom to control your destiny. Now much of Pharma sales has unfortunately come under control of marketing pukes and operations people who think they know better, so the trick is to go where sales is respected, which Amarin is not, nor are some others. Choose wisely, or look at other sales.

My guess is the OP is one of these:

1. Marketing background, disrespectful of sales.
2, In sales, and trying to thin the herd and competition.
3. A guilty soul who is trying to make amends for horrific decisions that have devastated a lot of peoples lives.
4. CEO who is a dick.
5. Both 1 &3
6. Both 3 & 4

Get out of sales. If you got let go use this as an opportunity to get out of sales and find another career. Salespeople are expendable and every company knows it. I was a drug rep over 12 yrs ago and my manager at the time told me to get out of sales as soon as I could because it's an unstable career path. He was right. I didn't listen to those words for another 6 years because I was wooed by the salary, bonus, car, freedom and perks that came with the gig. In those six years I bounced from company to company and saw great reps get the axe because their territory sucked or it was never worked before them or some other extraneous circumstance. Some did suck. Anyway, the day I got out of sales 6 years ago my life became a lot more stable. I still have old coworkers in the biz and all of them have been with a ton of different companies never settling in somewhere. Anyway, just my thoughts. Good luck

As long as there are products manufactured, and services rendered, the world will need salespeople. Products, pharmaceutical or otherwise, do not sell themselves and I would take a schmoozer generalist with a sense of urgency about the business over a technically trained person ANY DAY! I find that the people who are most critical of, or demeaning to, salespeople and the sales profession are those who can't do it, or those who have never tried. Salespeople unite! Keep your heads up, your nose to the grindstone, and don't listen to the naysayers.


Salespeople Unite?

Are you part of a union with contract protection?

Do you have any control over your bonus?

What % commission do you earn?

Please for the sake of your children grow up.

You might have a guy show up to be trained by you soon. He will try to tell you that he is an undercover CEO and its actually a tv show, but in actuality it won't be. The guy's skillset will be very low, he tends to blame everyone and takes no accountability, and can display very poor judgement and make rash decisions that can hurt people at times, and he likes that. He tends to dress like a slouch, thinking he is cool but he's pretty much a douche. Good luck training him, start him on the fries first and mopping the floor, probably can catch on in a week or two.