Advice from all you reps


I want to start a new line of topicals. Mostly medicated shampoo's, ear products etc... to start with and some nutraceuticals. I want to take on Animal Pharm, Dermapet etc... I want to give superior quality with proper QC testing (which these guys don't do) and do it for 20 - 30% cheaper than they do.

How do I get the product line to be picked up by a Rep and once in, how do I get the reps on the front lines to push it? I need some help here guys. Please feed me info.


I want to start a new line of topicals. Mostly medicated shampoo's, ear products etc... to start with and some nutraceuticals. I want to take on Animal Pharm, Dermapet etc... I want to give superior quality with proper QC testing (which these guys don't do) and do it for 20 - 30% cheaper than they do.

How do I get the product line to be picked up by a Rep and once in, how do I get the reps on the front lines to push it? I need some help here guys. Please feed me info.


Pitch it to Webster. They'll pick up anything.

I want to start a new line of topicals. Mostly medicated shampoo's, ear products etc... to start with and some nutraceuticals. I want to take on Animal Pharm, Dermapet etc... I want to give superior quality with proper QC testing (which these guys don't do) and do it for 20 - 30% cheaper than they do.

How do I get the product line to be picked up by a Rep and once in, how do I get the reps on the front lines to push it? I need some help here guys. Please feed me info.


First of all, you offer it to the best distributors like Webster.
You need to spiff the inside and outside reps very well to promote it.
Then you grab the attention of consumers with specials like, buy 6 get 1 free.
After all of this has been completed and the product really takes off,
jerk the rug out from under the distributors and offer the product to Target, Tractor Supply, Pet Co, Cabela's and Pet Med Express!!!
That's the Merial method.
It really works.

First of all, you offer it to the best distributors like Webster.
You need to spiff the inside and outside reps very well to promote it.
Then you grab the attention of consumers with specials like, buy 6 get 1 free.
After all of this has been completed and the product really takes off,
jerk the rug out from under the distributors and offer the product to Target, Tractor Supply, Pet Co, Cabela's and Pet Med Express!!!
That's the Merial method.
It really works.

J4c6G8dason, is that You???????

Screw it. You don't. High demand is simply that....high demand. May the rest of you me-too-wish-I-was Frontline-but-I'm-not-so-here's-my-tracking-device-because-I'll-probably-never-leave-this-shelf-much-less-this-clinic product pushing whinning "reps"....have a very pleasant evening.

Thanks for making Frontline Plus the topic of EVERY detail. My sales have never been better!

If you have to ask reps this question I think you should not start a line of anything. Sounds to me like someone is having fun at someone else's expense. Go play outside.