Advanced Medical / Jim Paratore


I am interviewing for a position with Advanced Medical in Upstate NY. They say they have existing business for me to work with. But it seemed strange that many of the companies sell the same products. Integra, OrthoSolutions, and Acumed. Is this common, or is it a conflict of interest as it appears to be?

These posts are getting comical. Your a real brave person hiding behind "anonymous."
And spouting thing that can't be substantiated??
I've worked for Jim for many years and I'm getting a little tired reading these lies about him. He's been nothing but helpful and professional to me and many many others. His success and that of my fellow reps speaks volumes to his character and loyalty. His leadership is helping put my kids through school and helps pay my mortgage.
Here's an idea big shot, instead of hiding behind "anonymous" why don't you pick up the phone and speak to him like a mature adult.
Some people find it easier to tear down what others have built than to build something on there own.
I'm proud to have been a part of Advanced Medical these years and my colleagues at Adirondack feel the same.
I know you will have a snarky comeback, but, serously, how old are you? If you own a mirror....It's time to look into it.
Anyone reading this with a dose of objectivity can see what your all about.

These posts are utterly ridiculous... So easy to spout off with with these inaccurate and blatantly false statements. I know your bitter, but why don't you talentless ass clowns try to build something on your own. I'm sure your tired of getting your asses kicked time and time again. Stand on your own merit and stop blaming others for your total lack of skill & intestinal fortitude. You fools will fail everywhere you go no matter how many times you jump from company to company. You'll never look at yourself when you can blame someone else for your incompetent & childish behavior.

Have a great life.... I'll keep working my ass off to put you rejects out of business.

Successful Rep

Did the HR guy (Jim) threaten your jobs? Or was it the Payroll Guy (JIM)
Or Perhaps it was the gun he had to all of your heads to say something good about him. (How do you sleep at night)

Or was it Amu (the business czar) writing all of these messages.

Anonymous = Truth = Stay Away from Jim = SAFJ

Even the ones who said something fake about Jim signed anonymous - they are wise!

If you have lost your job and are begging on the street- you are better off. Do not get associated with this group. Ask around about Jim Paratore - I guarantee that no one says he is a good guy.

What people say when you are around (or work with them) is one thing. What he says about people when they leave is uttely embarrassing. The ironic thing is that it only reflects on him. He just doesn't get it.

I was a sub rep for many years 6+ for one of the guys supporting him in the posts above. He didn't even pay me my last check. I put my heart and soul into Adirondack Medical only to be slammed afterwards by Jim Paratore.

Life is better when you are away, it is not good when you are there. I learned a lot, but mostly I learned that he is ultimately not a good person.

I'm surprised that ConMed hasn't caught on either.