Toxic bosses are infamous for using their authority to bypass rules and processes. They believe that their role in the company makes them infallible. Rather than admit a mistake or take responsibility for something that went wrong, they ignore it, place blame or make excuses.
Finger pointers feel powerful placing blame and not having to accept responsibility. Leaders in normal companies are fully held responsible for departmental weakness. If your staff is weak, the leader is even weaker.
- Grow up or get out. Your "adult tantrums" are going to financially cost the company in a big way. Employees do have the right to be respected.
Finger pointers feel powerful placing blame and not having to accept responsibility. Leaders in normal companies are fully held responsible for departmental weakness. If your staff is weak, the leader is even weaker.
- Grow up or get out. Your "adult tantrums" are going to financially cost the company in a big way. Employees do have the right to be respected.