Adjuvent Zometa FAILS Onc cuts can't be far behind

With Zometa adjuvent in Breast Cancer going down I have to believe that the Onc division is going the way of Gen Med in 2011. Any thoughts?

Onc will be cut from 4 to 2. The interesting part is keeping an eye out for all the people "caught" doing their jobs and fired-thus no severence. A lot of territories are going to be dissolved as well.........thanks for the experience NVS.

Good luck to all those who actually work.....everyone else is going to get what's coming to them.

Still no replacement for Andy? That's peculiar, I wonder why Billy's replacement was named the same day his promotion was announced. You don't suppose Onc/Hem is coming back together as one unit again. No that can't be the case. That would mean management lied to us. Of coarse like Christy always says "we can't predict what the future will bring". That seems to leave a lot of uncertainty, considering that tomorrow is in the future.

Onc will be cut from 4 to 2. The interesting part is keeping an eye out for all the people "caught" doing their jobs and fired-thus no severence. A lot of territories are going to be dissolved as well.........thanks for the experience NVS.

Good luck to all those who actually work.....everyone else is going to get what's coming to them.

Close but no cigar! Yes, there will be cuts.....a lot...but mark my words-only 3 reps in a "geo-tailored" territory. How many do we have now? Hmm...4 on the Onc side/2 Onc ASMs/3 HEMs/1 HEM ASM. That only suffices if your territory is considered "viable" and the ROI is acceptable. A lot of territories will simply be dissolved. The hit will be bigger than they announce.....if they ever do. Remember-we are "the right size" now!

Going down to 3 TOTAL reps and 1 ASM/territory. That's a loss of 2 ASMs/territory and 4 Reps.

Good Luck to all.....thanks for the transparency Christi!

How does everyone like the Christie Channel? The 4 Pillars sound very strong. Increased productivity,hmm...isn't that usually accomplished by having less people doing more work? She said more to come at the Vegas meeting. I can't wait. Oh and thanks for the 13% growth and blowing out the annual quota by 4%. Now what have you done for me lately?

How does everyone like the Christie Channel? The 4 Pillars sound very strong. Increased productivity,hmm...isn't that usually accomplished by having less people doing more work? She said more to come at the Vegas meeting. I can't wait. Oh and thanks for the 13% growth and blowing out the annual quota by 4%. Now what have you done for me lately?

Novartis will spend $51 Billion for some eye drops....after announcing a layoff of 1,450 reps. Then in oncology we are told that we produce the highest ROI and have consistant double digit profits, but raises for the reps are 1.5% (at best) for the second straight year, and the CEO last year gave himself a $20 million raise.....sounds like there is a serious double standard.

This reorg seems to hae been comoing for what....5 yrs or so now? 7 reps per Dr is just too many....they have to be looking at that in this environment...why on earth dont they admit there are too many mgrs, reps ect and do a reorg that makes sense...if they would have stopped hiring yrs ago they would be on track by now...NVS onc sucks

We all know the end is coming in the next couple of years. Seven reps calling on the same doctors that most of the time can't be seen without an appointment. This is just silly. It honestly makes no sense at all.

It's not just the seven reps. How about the three managers, a few MSL's, various customer relationship people and all of their managers.

Add to that the occasional home office ride-alongs.

Of course, this is what the share of voice sales model is all about - don't leave the customer with any time for other representatives . . . or patients for that matter!

7 reps calling on one doc is absurd. Do you really think that Hem/Onc's are stupid and need to be told 7 times about a product that sells itself?

Maybe novartis can save some $$ by having 2-3 reps carpool to their sales calls. hell most only do the drive by lit drop and check the box for a call.

the useless MSL's are only drawing a paycheck and have their own agenda.They never help a rep and most don't know who the reps are.

with the shrinking time given to reps now its foolish to have so many from one company battling to see that one office.

Time to get into the current decade of sales don't you think?

7 reps calling on one doc is absurd. Do you really think that Hem/Onc's are stupid and need to be told 7 times about a product that sells itself?

Maybe novartis can save some $$ by having 2-3 reps carpool to their sales calls. hell most only do the drive by lit drop and check the box for a call.

the useless MSL's are only drawing a paycheck and have their own agenda.They never help a rep and most don't know who the reps are.

with the shrinking time given to reps now its foolish to have so many from one company battling to see that one office.

Time to get into the current decade of sales don't you think?

Clearly you're well equated with our Oncology Division. It would indeed be absurd if 7 reps were calling on the same doctor promoting the same product but of course Novartis has 7 Oncology products on patent until next year. One rep per product is standard across the industry. With Femara going off next year a reorg makes sense but I don't anticipate a big reduction in head count. 2 new products are scheduled to launch in the next two years. No sense in laying people off only to hire again in the next year.


Eat your fruits and vegitables.


....however, those products going off patient bring in around $5 Billion, those "new" ones plus increasing the competition from other companies with new products that will compete and drive down the market share will produce at best a return of around $1 billion. Thus, with a $4-5 billion reduction, simple business logic requires lots of cuts.

And it's typical Novartis to cut, and hire mass market reps from within for about 20-30% below the going base salary rate of a seasoned oncology rep - another way to cut costs.

To the Swiss it's all about the money.

I don't use the word often, but I hate you. Ignorant and pompous is the worst combo of qualities a human being can posses. You must have spent the bulk of your field time with Novartis and/or in PC. Worse yet you might be a Brand Teamer who hasn't spoken to or gives a shit what the customer wants.

Truth- one rep per product is NOT standard in Onc. Not at Amgen, BMS or GSK. Amgen just launched a major competitor, spent untold millions pre-launch and did not add a rep.

We have FOUR reps selling Afinitor. The quartely goal in many territories is less than 50 scripts.

LAR, Tasigna, Exjade and Afinitor are niched products. Femara has generic competition and Gleevec is mature, well established and being cannabilized by our own product. Zometa is the only product that warrants a dedicated sales force based on volume, competition and life cycle.

Keep hitting your tier 1's every 2 weeks, make sure to deliver the core messages, maybe do a blitz every other quarter, oh yeah and make to have an action close on every call. You'll be catching a severance check and scratching your head wondering why the SOV model failed you by then end of 11.

Eating a steak fuck you sycophant troll.

7 reps calling on one doc is absurd. Do you really think that Hem/Onc's are stupid and need to be told 7 times about a product that sells itself?

Maybe novartis can save some $$ by having 2-3 reps carpool to their sales calls. hell most only do the drive by lit drop and check the box for a call.

the useless MSL's are only drawing a paycheck and have their own agenda.They never help a rep and most don't know who the reps are.

with the shrinking time given to reps now its foolish to have so many from one company battling to see that one office.

Time to get into the current decade of sales don't you think?

My MSL is pretty responsive and good to talk with. She helps when possible but their focus is the pipeline and study sites as well as off label data inquiries etc. Your right, they have a different agenda but not by their choice. It's whats given from above.

Look, I've thought for years we have too many reps and the expansion of renal reps was a joke. I really think right now the best thing any of us can do is start to look at other companies and perhaps disease states. Oncology is sadly turning into a primary care mentality as more and more companies fight for "air" time.

I'd love to find a unique niche company/disease state and gladly take a huge territory with the trade off of being the lone one responsible for my accomplishments.

Time to start looking.

OK it is Novartis who over hires and then terminates later. It happened back in the Ciba days with aredia. reps sold for hypercalcemia only and all were displaced. Company hired Chiron to sell it on a 3 1/2 yr contract. When new indication for bone mets with MM and later Breast CA came out Chiron blew out the numbers for the 2 yrs and Novartis then increased sales goals that were unrealistic in yr 3. In last 1/2 yr Novartis hired sales force to sell Aredia and then took it back.

They say history always repeats itself and past performance is a predictor of the future!


My MSL is pretty responsive and good to talk with. She helps when possible but their focus is the pipeline and study sites as well as off label data inquiries etc. Your right, they have a different agenda but not by their choice. It's whats given from above.

Look, I've thought for years we have too many reps and the expansion of renal reps was a joke. I really think right now the best thing any of us can do is start to look at other companies and perhaps disease states. Oncology is sadly turning into a primary care mentality as more and more companies fight for "air" time.

I'd love to find a unique niche company/disease state and gladly take a huge territory with the trade off of being the lone one responsible for my accomplishments.

Time to start looking.
Amen there are too many Nov reps in oncology. It is absurd! PLUS the managers, key accounts, non key account contract force, CNE's (who?) etc etc etc. It is insane.

You heard it here 1st. Monday at 4:45pm Christie WILL announce Oncology/Hematology will be one once again. The good news is our #s are such that once the 50+ crowd takes the buyout, the rest of us will be left with 4 reps per territory and 4 Regions. Some of us will even be lucky enough to work arm and arm with our manager. At 5 areas per Region those positions will be few and far between. This is a good thing folks. I plan on celebrating BIG TIME!

Why do you think that the 50+ crowd will take a buyout? They're just another cell on the same Excel spreadsheet that you are. Only theirs is titled "revenue center", while yours is titled "cost center".

Happy trails.