Adam and Rick

People have been trying To eliminate those two for years. They keep surviving but keep bleeding the company dry. The company will produce a profit when they get rid of those two.

Interviewed for a sales management job a 2 years ago with Par and this is a quote by RP that made me realize that this was NOT a job for me.

"We have to keep our thumb up the salesforce's ass to keep them working."

How motivational.

How does a VP of sales fail year after year and still have a job. Unheard of. That should tell you how serious Par thinks of Strativa. If they cared about our success RP would have been gone by now. He can only blame the salesforce for so long for failure of Nascobal and ES. He thinks leading is sending out pumper stickers and articles he reads. Really!!!! Do us all a favor and resign.

I think Adam and Rick should send a success story of what they have done today to make Shiitiva profitable..................

What have they done to increase sales? The answer is NOTHING

How does a VP of sales fail year after year and still have a job. Unheard of. That should tell you how serious Par thinks of Strativa. If they cared about our success RP would have been gone by now. He can only blame the salesforce for so long for failure of Nascobal and ES. He thinks leading is sending out pumper stickers and articles he reads. Really!!!! Do us all a favor and resign.

Rick and Pat go back to Ricks days at Glaxo when he gave Pat some peer to peer meetings business. Rick then came to work for Pat at Boron LePore in sales and ended up as President for about a year. Once he was President and Pat left, the company fell apart and is no more. Rick needed a job as he was working for his wife and Pat gave him one at Par. I can tell you that Rick was not liked at Glaxo or at Boron LePore either.

Adam is still at the company??? WOW, there is an example of someone working the system and continueing to move up the ladder. The problem is once Strativa is eliminated, Adam will be lucky to get a job with a real company as a sales rep.

If you want this company to be successful, you have to eliminate Adam and Rick.

Let me bottom line this for you all. Strativa flat out sucks. Management sucks. The target list sucks. The culture sucks. The training sucks. The products suck. The coverage sucks. The 401k sucks. The pay sucks. The bonus plan sucks. Brad really sucks. Retention sucks. Marketing pieces are at a 4th grade level... therefore suck. The computers suck. The sales reps suck (unless you are looking for a 24 copier salesman). The location of the home office sucks... come's NJ. The motivation suc... oh, come on... The support desk totally sucks... both of them. The expense reporting system sucks... The weekly reports suck... the speakers suck... now can anyone... and I mean anyone, dispute any of this.

I cannot believe Adam and Rick are still there.

Strativa is the only company that has gone through 100 reps for 20 territories over a six month period of time and the two big morons that run people out are still working.

Is Tracy still at the company as well? If so, these three can proudly say they have had the highest turnover of any pharmaceutical company in history.