AD and PT


Sorry for the reps but I wish I could see AD and PTs faces right now. Has the reality of their inadequacy hit home yet? Do they realize how useless they are?

Which one will land a job first? I believe they will both end up in the restaurant business.

PT will be making pizzas and AD will be a fry cook.

Sorry for the reps but I wish I could see AD and PTs faces right now. Has the reality of their inadequacy hit home yet? Do they realize how useless they are?

Which one will land a job first? I believe they will both end up in the restaurant business.

PT will be making pizzas and AD will be a fry cook.

You crazy AD is to qualified to work at McDonalds, he will be making matzah ball soup at the soup kitchen!

Amazing that AD is not trolling the cafepharma board the past 2 days, he must be looking in the classifieds and trying to find a job that he is qualified for... Keep looking AD....

Nothing. He's done absolutely nothing... He could done a number of things to improve morale here in this sewer. And because of that, the only life raft he should be thrown is an anchor. See ya at the bottom... You will go down with ship and hopefully you will not be salvaged. Because you are scrap... Junk.

Is ADam going to come out to play? Or is he to busy saving Shitiva?

The good news is if Adam is trying to save the company with his knowledge and skill, we are definitely doomed. He has the brains of a termite.