Actual Numbers?


Does anyone know the sheer impact of the Castle sales hire and fire system? The first training class for the expansion was in August and I think the next one was the end of September, there was also the one in December. In our division there were several hire and quit/fires in between training classes. I count around 30 people from August to April in our division alone. I was curious if anyone had estimated the total number or knew the total number?

I don't have the answer for you I'm out of the last class. What I'm trying to figure out is wht do the very few that make it have in common that allowed them to stay?

any suggestions?

I don't have the answer for you I'm out of the last class. What I'm trying to figure out is wht do the very few that make it have in common that allowed them to stay?

any suggestions?

This sounds like a trick DVP question. If the answer you are looking for is hard work and total commitment to process set forth by castle, then you are misguided.

Either they got lucky like Robbie ADMITS and BRAGS that he did or you have some personal connection to Robbie Ray, or a DVP.

There are no other reasons.

I know that when I was there they once posted a ranking that had everyone's start date. If you were in the South where they simply prescribe more pain medication and you were able to gain an account that had at least 50 per week then that seemed to buy you some time if you had the right manager. As we have said before, the person who was number one during the January meeting was given accounts by his manager and that was the major bulk of his business. He is a really good guy by the way. The class from August got it the worst. They had people performing really well that were just randomly fired. They seemed to ease off after that. There was a gal in Denver that was rumored to be doing 300 a week that was just let go one day. They really want to see that you buy into the culture of Castle. That is really important to them. That could be why they fire some people. There was a memo that went out to the manager's regarding this.

Actual numbers? You will never see those. Just like you'll never get a breakdown of your commissions in a statement. Or like you'll never be able to see how much payment was received for ancillaries outside of tox. So if you happen to sell a DNA test, you'll never fully be able to know through actual data that they received $800 or $1 for payment. Hell, you won't even know if they just decided to pocket the money and not claim it. Why? Because there is no way for a rep in the field to track the sample from start to payment. Not a single way at all.

The other companies text you when a sample arrives, when the report goes out and when you are paid. Everything is transparent. I was fired for looking into a sample that had been sent in and I did not receive credit for. One of the top reps asked for a commission statement and she was told "there is none."

The other companies text you when a sample arrives, when the report goes out and when you are paid. Everything is transparent. I was fired for looking into a sample that had been sent in and I did not receive credit for. One of the top reps asked for a commission statement and she was told "there is none."

Some states require a commission statement. Look into your states labor laws and see what you come up with.

The other companies text you when a sample arrives, when the report goes out and when you are paid. Everything is transparent. I was fired for looking into a sample that had been sent in and I did not receive credit for. One of the top reps asked for a commission statement and she was told "there is none."

Other companies pay for your cell too.