Aciphex ER

This is probably going to be an effective PPI with a "new mechanism of action." Problem is, there are plenty of effective PPI's on the market and several of them are either generic or OTC or both! As currently marketed PPI's (including yours truly, Aciphex) continue to take the long walk to the generic wasteland, there will be even more pressure from managed-care NOT to use name-brand products in the future. Can you say "Tier 5?" So, unless the "new" Aciphex allows GERD patients to take their pills once-a-week, I would suggest that the financial impact will be minimal (Remember: you are going to be saddled with unbelievable goals), at best. Aciphex is a great drug, but the market is saturated.

The only way good MC coverage would occur is if ER was BETTER than Nexium.

Why do you think they are releasing this drug so soon. IR not generic until 2013. Brand Names are sinking and we have to try and squeeze out every last available dollar with good contracts.

But its not better than Nexium unfortunately. In the six clinal trials that were done, several showed they were EQUAL to Nexium, and the others showed they were better than an H2 BLOCKER AND PLACEBO (that's no great feat)

If Aciphex ER is 5% more effective than Nexium in 1 or 2 of the clinical trials, then MC will simply ask the patients to try Nexium first and use Aciphex ER if it doesn't work. Aciphex ER would have to be 50% more effective in multiple trials to make any sort of practical difference.

With all the OTCs on the market that anyone can go in and buy without a drs visit, why would the majority of patients even bother to go get an RX from a dr? Plus the OTC is cheaper than the $40 co-pay of acphx at tier 4,5,6,7,8 etc..