Achieving Real Equity And Diversity


Emails and Token discussions are nice. However, where’s the real change. There’s an obvious lack of Diversity. Commit to a certain % of employees doing the Hiring who will achieve that Diversity. There will never be a true Integration unless the people in Power change.

Emails and Token discussions are nice. However, where’s the real change. There’s an obvious lack of Diversity. Commit to a certain % of employees doing the Hiring who will achieve that Diversity. There will never be a true Integration unless the people in Power change.

Anti-White, virtue signaling Genentech. Their discriminatory and blatant "redistribution" policies should be challenged. Legally. Even if the case is lost, it will expose the extreme bias against the hiring and promoting of White people. The lost revenue won't age well.

Anti-White, virtue signaling Genentech. Their discriminatory and blatant "redistribution" policies should be challenged. Legally. Even if the case is lost, it will expose the extreme bias against the hiring and promoting of White people. The lost revenue won't age well.

Well can't say it wasn't attempted. I contacted several different law firms following my displacement back in 2020. Not a single bite even know Genentech couldn't define the "mind set" and the interviews did not take performance and annual reviews into account... I guess when poppa Roche finally sees through all the bs, maybe they'll set things right...? From what I hear now, it was a Blessin disguise..

Anti-White, virtue signaling Genentech. Their discriminatory and blatant "redistribution" policies should be challenged. Legally. Even if the case is lost, it will expose the extreme bias against the hiring and promoting of White people. The lost revenue won't age well.

When you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

When you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

How is making president circle half the 10 year with this company make me privileged I produced and preformed at a high level. Now we have company full of professional self marketers of every color and people are getting promoted for acting..

When you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

I love this! How exactly have you been oppressed? Such an easy excuse for one's seeming lack of talent and self-motivation. I've been a sales rep in this industry (best job in the industry) for over 30 yrs and have worked with, and for, numerous talented black men and women.

In all of those years, if a black or latino or woman or LHGQT individual desired advancement, they got it. And yes, some of them were not qualified for their positions.

Sounds to me like you could use some serious introspection cuz maybe you just ain't good enough - and that's the only thing that really should matter.

Victimhood is a powerful currency and its being used constantly. There is a high demand for racism in the woke, sensationalized media but there is little supply. People are being brainwashed into thinking they are oppressed when they are clearly not.
There is no racism out there and if it is, its against white people. Sorry but its true. Saying this from a person from a minority. The trend is worrying. Who will they come for next? Genentech should stay out of politics and concentrate on the science. If youre the best man/woman (there are no other genders), then you should get the job, period. Everything else is just bs and threatening the long-term survival of the company, its workers and patients. No doubt Ill be called a racist for posting this but we need to have an adult conversation on campus about this nonsense.

Emails and Token discussions are nice. However, where’s the real change. There’s an obvious lack of Diversity. Commit to a certain % of employees doing the Hiring who will achieve that Diversity. There will never be a true Integration unless the people in Power change.

Wouldn't that be considered discriminatory?

This is the most racist place ever. You are discriminated against if you are White, Male, heterosexual!!! If I created a group to celebrate my heritage I'm sure I would be fired. Heaven forbid if you are southern.
Now guess what, I am a black male married to a white lady so don't tell me I am wrong!

Victimhood is a powerful currency and its being used constantly. There is a high demand for racism in the woke, sensationalized media but there is little supply. People are being brainwashed into thinking they are oppressed when they are clearly not.
There is no racism out there and if it is, its against white people. Sorry but its true. Saying this from a person from a minority. The trend is worrying. Who will they come for next? Genentech should stay out of politics and concentrate on the science. If youre the best man/woman (there are no other genders), then you should get the job, period. Everything else is just bs and threatening the long-term survival of the company, its workers and patients. No doubt Ill be called a racist for posting this but we need to have an adult conversation on campus about this nonsense.

Agreed. Made Fox the #1 news channel in America. Luckily that demo is slowly eradicating. That’s why the push to ban A bortion.

This is the most racist place ever. You are discriminated against if you are White, Male, heterosexual!!! If I created a group to celebrate my heritage I'm sure I would be fired. Heaven forbid if you are southern.
Now guess what, I am a black male married to a white lady so don't tell me I am wrong!
Stop crying, silly bitch.