
Its no wonder why no one can make their numbers. ACELL wants you to give it away for free! Top reasons to never work for ACELL

# 1. I literally had to beg my manager not tell all our doctors that we give away endless amounts of free product, when I could just have easily gotten them on board to use it in reimbursed OR settings, or to pay cash pay at an office appointment. I thought I was in Sales, not entering a non profit organization/charity. I mean, I agree with giving one free evaluation but I still wouldn't lead with that if they are willing to use it in settings where its covered. Its no wonder why Territory Managers are unable to make their unrealistic quotas. And its no surprise our region's sales were in the negatives. NEWSFLASH ACELL: sales is about building value in the product, its never about price! Offering free product is a quick way to deplete your territory, other Doctors hear about it, and news spreads like fire. Also, isn't giving away uncontrolled free product illegal? In my past experience, it was considered "gifting" and we could only offer one free evaluation which we needed to submit paperwork for.

#2. ACell has no idea what they are doing. They don't train you to understand how much product to apply in which indications. Each rep makes their own unique judgement call to heal patients. Seriously?! So each patient is even more of a lab rat then using a product with no supportive literature. My advice is to study other products that are acellular that offer info on surgeon technique and a detailed IFU. For example: ACell will NOT heal venous ulcers. This is a product that needs to be placed in a highly vascularized enviornment. Something ACELL does not teach you. Vascularity is what triggers the incorporation of the product. Pissed off a lot of doctors until I finally educated myself by reading other public information from biologic companies.

# 3. Also, ACell doesn't regulate how their reps store their product. Corporate sent an email out to their sales force stating we no longer need to store product in a cooler. Product could be sitting in a reps car in extreme heat or extreme cold..... and then it gets implanted into a patient? How safe could that be? Products are supposed to be stored at room temperature, and ACell should encourage their reps to store it in an enviornment that is aligned with their IFU

#4. The rat macrophage study makes no sense. It compares its own acellular xenograft to cellular allografts implanted into a rat. Of course a human dermis graft containing live cells is not going to be biocompatible with rats cells. That is not its intention. I hope doctors aren't stupid enough to be convinced by a complete sham of a study. So pathetic.

Good luck until you find another job.

I'm sure they think if it is given away for free then it doesn't qualify as off-label promotion when the doctor asks for more.

Spot on post there, I almost had to change my shorts.