Accountability Partner


Instead of sales which always catches the sh_t why doesn't upper management have any accountability ? Board of Directors are a bunch of clowns and Lilly is forever pulling the wool over Wall Streets eyes. New six sigma term accountability. Why is it sales always catches in the rear end ?


No kidding.

Instead of forking over 1+ billion to Uncle Sam, why not just hand over the execs with the blood on their hands? Start with the BOD and CEO at the time. That's why they get paid the big bucks, right?

Throw the b*stards in jail, set an example for the rest of us.

What is the cost of the CIA on a daily, weekly, monthly basis? Billions and billions of dollars and lost opportunity.

It was shameful to hear the trial details. Mgmt makes out it's employees as having a 60% incidence of mental illness. What upright corporate citizens we have at the top. I remember ALL of the details. Shameful. Unforgettable.

Instead of sales which always catches the sh_t why doesn't upper management have any accountability ? Board of Directors are a bunch of clowns and Lilly is forever pulling the wool over Wall Streets eyes. New six sigma term accountability. Why is it sales always catches in the rear end ?


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