Access to HEP C patients????

The gig is up!

Welcome to the future. Health plans will be creating national formularies similar to hospital formularies. When you have a me too drug prices will come down. It is called competition. Competition has finally arrived to the drug business.

This is excellent news for the consumer.

The gig is up!

Welcome to the future. Health plans will be creating national formularies similar to hospital formularies. When you have a me too drug prices will come down. It is called competition. Competition has finally arrived to the drug business.

This is excellent news for the consumer.

Anyone holding shares of GILD would be wise to sell today before the other shareholders have a couple of days to react to this significant sea change.
It is a new world baby!

Anyone holding shares of GILD would be wise to sell today before the other shareholders have a couple of days to react to this significant sea change.
It is a new world baby!

Food for thought

To the naysayer the world is falling. Simple question, can you take two different products without comparative effectiveness data and convince doctors that they are interchangeable (one is a 2 product combo and the other is a 3 or 4 product combo) because one is cheaper and HEP C patients are getting access.

With no transparency of the discount price and the residual payola to Express Scripts.

Well this is a first and I am sure will go to litigation.

You fuckers pumped billions out of this market and now you are claiming foul?

Fuck off.

Amen brother. Gilead did just what it wanted to in 2014 - recoup their payout to Pharmasett in one year without regard to the fallout they would get for their price. They'll still be the 800 pound gorilla but just not as nimble and quick

Food for thought

To the naysayer the world is falling. Simple question, can you take two different products without comparative effectiveness data and convince doctors that they are interchangeable (one is a 2 product combo and the other is a 3 or 4 product combo) because one is cheaper and HEP C patients are getting access.

With no transparency of the discount price and the residual payola to Express Scripts.

Well this is a first and I am sure will go to litigation.

Looks like we are entering a new era. It looks like therapeutic substitution has begun. Today you must have a unique product and when followed by similar drugs you will have to lower your price or face patient conversion. It makes financial sense.

You people are idiots. All this proves is that doctors once again are bound by an HMO to dictate what the best course of therapy is. Pharma, consumer loses...big business HMO wins

Many thanks to Gilead for setting the bar with the Sovaldi pricing last year, you officially started the pricing wars that will continue. What all of this could lead to is a pure payor controlled treatment protocol for HCV and in the future, other chronic diseases where the docs have no choice - i.e., universal healthcare which is what the libs truly desire.. End result, major cutbacks in the number of reps, jobs lost and patient choice further reduced.......all due to your f-ing greed to recoup the pharmasett costs ASAP..

Many thanks to Gilead for setting the bar with the Sovaldi pricing last year, you officially started the pricing wars that will continue. What all of this could lead to is a pure payor controlled treatment protocol for HCV and in the future, other chronic diseases where the docs have no choice - i.e., universal healthcare which is what the libs truly desire.. End result, major cutbacks in the number of reps, jobs lost and patient choice further reduced.......all due to your f-ing greed to recoup the pharmasett costs ASAP..

It's called capitalism. What abbvie and express scripts did is not. It's monopolistic and price control and its a socialistic practice. If this holds up the whole biotech sector is screwed. Think I'm overreacting? Look at stock prices. Like Bruce Springsteen sings...I'm going down down down down.

Look at what happened yesterday to BMY. They get approval of their melanoma drug and BMY falls in price. Why? Merck has a similar product on the market the treatments cost 11K per month. Merck's stock fell as well. You know BMY and Merck will be put in the same box as GILD. BMY's stock should have risen on this approval. Competition is finally here in the pharma industry. This is excellent for the consumer.

It's called capitalism. What abbvie and express scripts did is not. It's monopolistic and price control and its a socialistic practice. If this holds up the whole biotech sector is screwed. Think I'm overreacting? Look at stock prices. Like Bruce Springsteen sings...I'm going down down down down.

Please. Anytime a capitalist screws another capitalist, the screewee blames socialism.

the fundamental aspect of capitalism is choice. I choose to buy, or not, based on price and value. Gilead rolled the dice on huge fees for a highly prevalent condition to reap astronomical profits in a short time (before the competition jumped in). I give them credit for developing a therapy that actually cures people, as opposed to chemotherapies that cost the same and extend life by 3 months. But those therapies don't treat millions of peopel. I think Gilead went a bridge too far, but on balance they've provided one of the few curative therapies in years. Pharma should do more of that. All the AbbVie folks crying foul on price. Shut up. You're old school pharma, and if your execs felt they could get away with premium pricing, they would.

I believe 90% of the posters do not understand pricing, managed care and contracting. Nothing illegal here. Astronomical price of current therapy limited demand. Competitor offers a drug that is equally efficacious but has some warts. Employers want payors to find a way to lower premiums. BIG IDEA: payor partners with a pharma company to lower cost of care and expand access. Everyone wins except greedy company that made the whole opportunity possible.

GILD should have war gamed this better.