Access & Reimbursement for New CV Drug

Shut up dumb ass. Sanofi's specialty sales force is in place and in the filed now just like Amgen. Regn is right where they need to be fuck tard.

You are such a douch. I am talking about from a contracting position you f...king idiot. Amgen is ahead of Regeneron in regards to contracting f....k face.

Worst person anyone could report to! Micromanager, dispicable with staff on one on ones, a horror show on field rides, political kiss ass, gets off on kicking staff when no one can see the real TM. Don't be fooled with his quips and the I really care about the staff. TM only cares about making himself look good at the expense of everyone else.

Very true. Leonard Shleifer and Robert Terifay should know this stuff.

Well McTool did it again all threads removed. I managed to find this one...
Worst person anyone could report to! Micromanager, dispicable with staff on one on ones, a horror show on field rides, political kiss ass, gets off on kicking staff when no one can see the real TM. Don't be fooled with his quips and the I really care about the staff. TM only cares about making himself look good at the expense of everyone else.

Re: Access & Reimdbursement for New CV Drug

Yeah, he is so afraid that his company will figure out what the he is up to. the funny part is how he is trying to pass these posts off as just one person. Hysterical!!! I asked him to post all of his HR complaints. Funny how he won't post them. The most arrogant guy I ever met. All ego and self serving. Everyone sees him for who he really is except him. He is the true definition of a narcissist. If those of you who are reading these posts pass them off as one disgruntled former employee who is posting you are very naive. Ask around and let us know what you find do out.

too much time away from home, terrible sales for Praluent in the biggest market in the country, all support DR's decision to appoint him DM for NY. Perhaps you should listen to the voices of the people in the field, but then again our science is so superior that our products sell themselves. How is that pipeline looking now as we get repeated failures in the clinic? Pfizer takeover next year? There are plenty of their big pharma bureaucrats here already, a perfect cultural fit!

too much time away from home, terrible sales for Praluent in the biggest market in the country, all support DR's decision to appoint him DM for NY. Perhaps you should listen to the voices of the people in the field, but then again our science is so superior that our products sell themselves. How is that pipeline looking now as we get repeated failures in the clinic? Pfizer takeover next year? There are plenty of their big pharma bureaucrats here already, a perfect cultural fit!

Pfizer? Try Sanofi