Abuse@ Plus and the company Know Error


I am an employee of Plus and very concerned about the unethical business plan of Know Error. We have a tight relationship with Know Error but this company wants to run a DNA test on every positive core form a prostate biopsy. Patients are receiving bills between 2k and 10K for this over utilized test. This is clearly abuse in the system and a scam on Medicare and insurance companies. Maybe the gov't should investigate Know error and Plus.
I wish Plus would end this relationship with Know Error. There is a reason other labs are not pushing this test.
The folks at Know Error pushing this test down doctors throats are former Dianon employees. Go figure!


Can they really pass the cost through to the patient & their insurance? I always thought outfits like plus and pod labs used Know Error to protect themselves from grossing errors due to using unqualified personnel.

Know Error is responsible for all the billing of DNA testing. There are many CPT codes. Estimate of 10-20 codes and they will do client billing if needed.
This test needs to be taken out of Urology practices and kept with police depts.

I am an employee of Plus and very concerned about the unethical business plan of Know Error. We have a tight relationship with Know Error but this company wants to run a DNA test on every positive core form a prostate biopsy. Patients are receiving bills between 2k and 10K for this over utilized test. This is clearly abuse in the system and a scam on Medicare and insurance companies. Maybe the gov't should investigate Know error and Plus.
I wish Plus would end this relationship with Know Error. There is a reason other labs are not pushing this test.
The folks at Know Error pushing this test down doctors throats are former Dianon employees. Go figure!

I am aware of the Know error test and agree that running this test on every positive core is absurd. This practice really calls into question the ethics of plus, know error and the GU docs involved. Some of the GU docs are benefiting financially from testing every positive core in that PLUS/know error are paying for technical staff to help with procuring the swab, procuring the material from the pathology block, etc....When I listen to the sales pitch from know error, it almost makes me vomit. They tell you of the one "catch" as they call it from last year, but fail to mention the 200,000 cores that tested correctly. It costs multiple millions of dollars in DNA tests to catch one significant error.

If the drs remove something by mistake how many millions in a lawsuit will that run?

A urologist would not get sued for this, the pathology lab would. Even considering the litigation aspect, still not worth it to run this test. Standard practices aimed at patient safety such as time-outs, mandatory double checks of labeling, and good practices in the histology lab are very effective and free.

what happens when the mix up happens at the Drs office by the staff. Bottles can get mixed up here just as well as they can at the lab. Drs offices are busy and if they are doing a few cases sometimes the staff can mix up a test reqs with the biopsy

Know error is a service offered to the Doctors office. The doctor can choose to use it or not to use it . Plus , Know error , quest and whoever else is promoting this test is simply offering a service. If its that much of an issue than don't use the test, if you as a doctor are worried about switching errors than use it, if not dont .. whats the problem here

Know Error and Plus are pushing this test heavy with doctors. They have branded comarketing kits for biopsy procedures. Doctors and staff are misled. The chances are soooo slim there would be an error. The chances are very high a patient will receive a HUGE bill.
Every postive biopsy used with a Know Error kit is tested. It's a waste of money and the Gov't needs to stop this silly test and abuse in the system. Plus wants to do it with GI and Hem. It's a joke and typical of mgmt at Plus.
Quest and Lab Corp don't push this test. Plus Dx is Know Errors' #1 customer. Go figure!

Know error is a service offered to the Doctors office. The doctor can choose to use it or not to use it . Plus , Know error , quest and whoever else is promoting this test is simply offering a service. If its that much of an issue than don't use the test, if you as a doctor are worried about switching errors than use it, if not dont .. whats the problem here

This test is a scam. You can make the same argument for any tissue study that harbors cancer to be tested with Know error, ie test every polyp with colon cancer, every breast cancer, every cancer in any body site. No other specialty is using Know error regularly. Our healthcare system would go broke, doubling check every biopsy. Specimen mix ups are not a significant problem in pathology.

Only a few urologists some of whom are housing crappy labs and using shady companies like Plus are even interested in this test.

PLUS and Know error are a perfect match. two low level scum companies run by idiots.

Ken made a side deal with JP and TH to save all their jobs. Edwin is pissed he got cut out of the deal.

You all Suck! Patient care is on the back of page 10 of your goals. How does anyone in the lab space work for a company that would cheat patients out of good healthcare.
