Abicipar clinical results


The primary endpoint isn't very sensitive. Investor concern is that the average change in visual acuity isn't as good as monthly Lucentis since Allergan chose not to report it at this time.

The primary endpoint isn't very sensitive. Investor concern is that the average change in visual acuity isn't as good as monthly Lucentis since Allergan chose not to report it at this time.


Have not heard that at all. AMD drugs are measured by visual stability and 91.2% after 12 weeks is unmatched. Investors are concerned about 15% inflammation. This inflammation doesnt appear to be dose dependent so its either inherent to the drug or exacerbated by the formulation. Many times the formulation can be tinkered with to control outcomes. In AGN's Abicipar, they have taken a new purified active drug into a formulation for a small study to see if that fixes it. That outcome is due perhaps end of 2018 or early 2019.