to improve things
you’re way too silent.
you’re way too silent.
to improve things
you’re way too silent.
solutions Abhay, solutions, not scolding. One more of those Orlando-like sessions and people will really be looking even harder to short-change the company.
If he pulls that shit at upcoming meeting I think you’ll see a few people walk out who are preparing to resign anyway. There is a huge difference between constructive criticism and shaming and blaming an entire sales team. When he had photo of plant employees saying they were the MVPs I thought F U. I’m not saying I don’t appreciate the plant employees but it after getting scolded and telling us we are shit to praising people in India I was like GTFOH MF!
If he pulls that shit at upcoming meeting I think you’ll see a few people walk out who are preparing to resign anyway. There is a huge difference between constructive criticism and shaming and blaming an entire sales team. When he had photo of plant employees saying they were the MVPs I thought F U. I’m not saying I don’t appreciate the plant employees but it after getting scolded and telling us we are shit to praising people in India I was like GTFOH MF!
Here are some facts about his touring manufacturing as MVPs:
Sun does not manufacture Ilumya, Absorica nor Levulan ( which account for 80%+ of Derm-related sales).
Mfg sites in India have consistently been shut down by FDA for quality violations, and there have been multiple product recalls.
Now, if those folks are your MVPs, I certainly don’t want to be one.