Abhay Gandhi


Our CEO and his wife have made a settlement with India’s version of the Securities and Exchange Commission, as announced yesterday. Without admission of any guilt or wrongdoing, he and his wife paid a substantial penalty. The charges were related to the purchase of Ranbaxy and insider trading. The charges are simple, even as lay people, we know you can’t trade based on non-public information. Ask Martha Stewart, it’s basic Business 101.

Should this have happened in the US, he would have been immediately terminated. Repeat: immediately, and, the company would have completely distanced themselves from him. It’s also possible/likely he would have been arrested.

Instead, we find that our CEO is in India this week and that the Company stands behind his integrity.

That, my friends, is the more concerning issue.

In a country with rampant corruption, our CEO was, let’s be real here, convicted by the government. That says a lot, their SEC must have had him ‘right in their sights’ with very strong evidence because this doesn’t happen in India with near the frequency as it does in the US or other countries.

The fact that numerous press and reporting agencies published this case yesterday, and that there’s been no announcement to us is, beyond belief. This is published globally, but shhh, maybe those stupid, lazy Americans don’t read.

It again demonstrates the arrogance of the company and its complete disregard and flat-out disrespect for its US employees.

But his continued employment today sends a clear message that Sun is above the law. Not to mention integrity, trust and humility are completely disregarded.

Our CEO and his wife have made a settlement with India’s version of the Securities and Exchange Commission, as announced yesterday. Without admission of any guilt or wrongdoing, he and his wife paid a substantial penalty. The charges were related to the purchase of Ranbaxy and insider trading. The charges are simple, even as lay people, we know you can’t trade based on non-public information. Ask Martha Stewart, it’s basic Business 101.

Should this have happened in the US, he would have been immediately terminated. Repeat: immediately, and, the company would have completely distanced themselves from him. It’s also possible/likely he would have been arrested.

Instead, we find that our CEO is in India this week and that the Company stands behind his integrity.

That, my friends, is the more concerning issue.

In a country with rampant corruption, our CEO was, let’s be real here, convicted by the government. That says a lot, their SEC must have had him ‘right in their sights’ with very strong evidence because this doesn’t happen in India with near the frequency as it does in the US or other countries.

The fact that numerous press and reporting agencies published this case yesterday, and that there’s been no announcement to us is, beyond belief. This is published globally, but shhh, maybe those stupid, lazy Americans don’t read.

It again demonstrates the arrogance of the company and its complete disregard and flat-out disrespect for its US employees.

But his continued employment today sends a clear message that Sun is above the law. Not to mention integrity, trust and humility are completely disregarded.

I don’t know about y’all but I didn’t trust him from the get-go. This is just another scar on the face of Sun.


Elon musk "settled" with SEC. He is still a hero in our country right?
What has this to do.with countries?
Unethical people and management are everywhere and more often than not they give us our paycheck!

Which scumbag Pharma has not settled with DOJ? Price fixing, off label selling, bribery?

Elon musk "settled" with SEC. He is still a hero in our country right?
What has this to do.with countries?
Unethical people and management are everywhere and more often than not they give us our paycheck!

Which scumbag Pharma has not settled with DOJ? Price fixing, off label selling, bribery?

BTW--Martha Stewart did not go down for insider trading. The Feds probably would have let her go free and pay up. Stewart went down for lying to the FBI and SEC to protect her interest and her friend who gave her the stock tip.

Elon musk "settled" with SEC. He is still a hero in our country right?
What has this to do.with countries?
Unethical people and management are everywhere and more often than not they give us our paycheck!

Which scumbag Pharma has not settled with DOJ? Price fixing, off label selling, bribery?

To start, I do t care about Elon Musk because I don’t work for Tesla. And ps that company is tanking, down 30% the past two years.

India has a long history of deep corruption, as does Sun (you can read about it online). So take the plea bargain as Abhay did. Don’t have the regrets that ‘Aunt Becky’ is now having.

And while unethical people and management are in a lot of places, it’s different when it’s the company you work for (for now).

So when you say scumbag, we now know who you’re talking about.

Stop the hate. Abhay is a solid guy who is partially surrounded by fools.

What do you mean he is ‘partially surrounded by fools’ ? He has chosen who surrounds him so by definition he’s the fool.

All this is now coming out in the wash.

FY 19 was a huge miss across all BUs. Tildra is a complete failure. Turnover is high and morale is in the gutter. And, he berates us at the NSM all the while negotiating a settlement at night to keep himself out of jail. That musta been a stressful week.

All this is on his watch.

So how’s his strategy been working out ?
Yeah, not too good huh ?

Get him out and possibly save what can be salvaged before we quit or go under.

And thanks for the comment Tea (bag) Boy

What do you mean he is ‘partially surrounded by fools’ ? He has chosen who surrounds him so by definition he’s the fool.

All this is now coming out in the wash.

FY 19 was a huge miss across all BUs. Tildra is a complete failure. Turnover is high and morale is in the gutter. And, he berates us at the NSM all the while negotiating a settlement at night to keep himself out of jail. That musta been a stressful week.

All this is on his watch.

So how’s his strategy been working out ?
Yeah, not too good huh ?

Get him out and possibly save what can be salvaged before we quit or go under.

And thanks for the comment Tea (bag) Boy

We have no respect for this guy. Time for him to exit gracefully before more damage is done.

We have no respect for this guy. Time for him to exit gracefully before more damage is done.

Surprising, but not. The comments about the CEO. On one hand there ought to be a massive outcry from all employees, that would be the case at virtually every company in the US. But on the other hand, the lack of action and outcry says that people care so little about Sun, so it doesn’t matter if our CEO is guilty of insider trading.

  • AR60M   Apr 17, 2019 at 03:12: AM
60 Minutes is researching a story about generic drug price increases and allegations that prices went up due to price fixing. We are looking to speak confidentially with sales and marketing representatives in the generic drug industry with any knowledge of this. You can reach Ali Rawaf by email at Rawafa@cbsnews.com, or on encrypted apps Signal and WhatsApp at (347) 756-2548.

60 Minutes is researching a story about generic drug price increases and allegations that prices went up due to price fixing. We are looking to speak confidentially with sales and marketing representatives in the generic drug industry with any knowledge of this. You can reach Ali Rawaf by email at Rawafa@cbsnews.com, or on encrypted apps Signal and WhatsApp at (347) 756-2548.

That should just about be it for Sun. CEO is a certified thief, 3 years of disappointing results, 2 blown launches and a revolving door as talented people leave and are replaced by those who have been mislead about Sun. The hottest mess in the industry is the only claim to fame. Once this program hits it is going to be very ugly as Sun will no doubt sell off the crappy portfolio and exit the US market. It might even be by the US Judicial order.

That should just about be it for Sun. CEO is a certified thief, 3 years of disappointing results, 2 blown launches and a revolving door as talented people leave and are replaced by those who have been mislead about Sun. The hottest mess in the industry is the only claim to fame. Once this program hits it is going to be very ugly as Sun will no doubt sell off the crappy portfolio and exit the US market. It might even be by the US Judicial order.

Good summary of the situation.

60 Minutes is researching a story about generic drug price increases and allegations that prices went up due to price fixing. We are looking to speak confidentially with sales and marketing representatives in the generic drug industry with any knowledge of this. You can reach Ali Rawaf by email at Rawafa@cbsnews.com, or on encrypted apps Signal and WhatsApp at (347) 756-2548.

I would post this on Taro’s board as well.

That should just about be it for Sun. CEO is a certified thief, 3 years of disappointing results, 2 blown launches and a revolving door as talented people leave and are replaced by those who have been mislead about Sun. The hottest mess in the industry is the only claim to fame. Once this program hits it is going to be very ugly as Sun will no doubt sell off the crappy portfolio and exit the US market. It might even be by the US Judicial order.

I don’t think Sun will get caught up in this ... but who the heck know what was going on at Taro. Likely some sketchy things.

But your first few points are spot on. Swindler, womanizer, weak/no leadership, no results.