AbbVie Celebrates Launch as New Biopharmaceutical Company with Employees, Patients


NEW YORK, Jan. 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- AbbVie (ABBV) today marks its launch as an independent biopharmaceutical company, with employees from more than 40 countries and patients joining AbbVie leaders as they ring the first opening bell of 2013 at the New York Stock Exchange.

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With a rich, 125-year heritage of developing pharmaceuticals, AbbVie combines the focus and passion of a leading-edge biotech with the expertise and structure of a long-established pharmaceutical leader. A global enterprise that serves patients in more than 170 countries, AbbVie launches with an estimated $18 billion in annual revenues and a strong commitment to creating shareholder value through long-term growth potential and the continuation of the company's history of shareholder dividends.

"Today AbbVie launches with an outstanding portfolio, a solid pipeline and enthusiastic people who will serve patients and deliver growth," said Richard A. Gonzalez, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, AbbVie. "With those assets and a relentless focus on innovation we intend to create significant value for our shareholders."

Strong, Well-Managed Business and Product Portfolio
AbbVie launches with a team of experienced senior leaders who understand how to manage AbbVie for long-term, profitable growth and who have the proven ability to commercialize scientific discoveries for patients. As a biopharmaceutical company, AbbVie has adopted a streamlined and focused business model built on a broad portfolio of market leading medicines that will enable AbbVie to invest in tomorrow's therapies.

The portfolio includes both growth brands and durable performers, including HUMIRA, AndroGel, Lupron, Synagis[1], Creon, Synthroid, Kaletra, Norvir and Zemplar.

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AbbVie's long-term growth will be fueled by a compelling pipeline of more than 20 mid- to late-stage clinical programs – as well as new discoveries to address diseases including Hepatitis C, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, spondyloarthropathies, multiple myeloma and endometriosis. AbbVie has tripled the number of new molecular entities in its pipeline over the last several years.

With these and other compounds in its pipeline, AbbVie is rapidly developing therapies that have strong clinical performance, patient benefit and health economic value.

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AbbVie's Approach to Innovation
Making new discoveries and developing them into effective medicines is the foundation of the company's mission and business. To accomplish those goals, AbbVie's research is guided by a patient-driven research and development (R&D) approach that begins with a deep understanding of the serious diseases that are the company's focus, as well as careful evaluation of the current needs of patients, payers and regulators worldwide. The company's scientists and physicians focus their work on targets that have the best potential to fundamentally transform the way diseases are treated in the future.

AbbVie is committed to an agile and collaborative approach to innovation, across its global R&D and manufacturing sites. The company's scientists rely on proprietary technologies and methods to help them more quickly advance the most promising compounds from laboratory to clinical trials. AbbVie's research operates with a collaborative model that seeks to build the pipeline of discoveries from inside and outside the company's own walls.

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A Focus on Patients
AbbVie is focused on developing specialty pharmaceuticals that address complex, unsolved health problems, particularly chronic diseases, that now account for 75 percent of all healthcare costs. By developing new specialty treatments that improve patient outcomes, AbbVie and its people are helping to reduce the long-term health and economic impact of these conditions.

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Dedicated Employees to Build the Future
AbbVie's 21,000 employees around the world are dedicated to meeting the needs of patients. They have the freedom, expertise, and ability to innovate and discover solutions to the world's most pressing health needs.

"Our commitment at AbbVie is to build on Abbott's 125-year heritage and address some of the world's most serious health issues," Gonzalez said. "We intend AbbVie's enduring legacy to be one of finding treatments for patients with serious health care needs."

AbbVie will be listed on the NYSE and NYSE Euronext Paris beginning today under the ticker symbol "ABBV". A live webcast of the Opening Bell, beginning today at 9:29 a.m. EST, will be available on the NYSE website. Photos and an archived video of the bell ringing will be available on Facebook (NYSE Euronext-Official Site), YouTube (nysetv1), and Twitter (@NYSEEuronext), #NYSEBell.


Re: AbbVie Celebrates Launch as New Biopharmaceutical Company with Employees, Patient

On May 1, 2004 Chris Begley, Abbott HPD President and many other executives of the new Abbott spin-off, Hospira, celebrated by slamming the gavel for the opening of trading on Wall Street. The spin-off was supposed to unlock market value and synergies to maximize shareholder value. The stock opened trading at $26.50.

Nearly 9 years later Hospira stock trades at $30/share.

In order to unlock that 10% in growth of share price, Hospira changed.
With the way they do business with customers, by being one of the most unreliable suppliers to hospitals and other patient care facilitites.
Many executives cashed out options prior to revelations of a badly managed business. Many of them retired months after unloading $millions in options.

They changed the way they relate to employees, by freezing pensions, eliminating retiree healthcare, eliminating their longstanding profit shariing, giving raises once every 3-4 years. The CEO in a Chicago Cubs uniform, attended the first sales meeting in years and told us "to play ball". We understood what he was saying. Later found out, he meant it. He actually did most of the 10% of the workforce he eliminated a favor, some had to have fallen thru the cracks.

Good Luck! Abbvie.