ABBVIE back out penalty

Fuck those dirty thirty including the Big 3 in the NBU, I cannot wait to see how they spin this at the next NSM, you tried to sell us off to profit in a company that you have systemically destroyed in a matter of a year, you are the epitome of corporate greed and you better stay off the stage and just cower in your corner office.

We will continue to sell Vyvanse because we need to put food on the table, not because of any of you!!! Remember that, each time you open your mouth on stage or on a fake conference call understand that 90% of the real Shire employees mock and laugh at you, we make fun of you on our Zone and Regional calls, during field visits with our RDs, and during the breaks at our POA meetings, we will continue to give you courtesy golf claps and smile ear to ear and bobble head in agreement to the filth you spew at us, but understand we can be as fake as you!

I say we divide that money between the the employees of Shire as compensation for the emotional ride we have had to endure.

Your ideas on how to spend the money?

Well, count yourselves lucky not to have to merge with ToxicCo but about the money. First you have to get it out of them. Good luck with that. No, I mean it, good luck with that and give them hell. Hope there are late penalties. Remember when you do a deal with ToxicCo always make sure there are late penalties on top of any payment they promise.

Fuck those dirty thirty including the Big 3 in the NBU, I cannot wait to see how they spin this at the next NSM, you tried to sell us off to profit in a company that you have systemically destroyed in a matter of a year, you are the epitome of corporate greed and you better stay off the stage and just cower in your corner office.

We will continue to sell Vyvanse because we need to put food on the table, not because of any of you!!! Remember that, each time you open your mouth on stage or on a fake conference call understand that 90% of the real Shire employees mock and laugh at you, we make fun of you on our Zone and Regional calls, during field visits with our RDs, and during the breaks at our POA meetings, we will continue to give you courtesy golf claps and smile ear to ear and bobble head in agreement to the filth you spew at us, but understand we can be as fake as you!

Amen to that! Message to the big three and the dirty thirty: Resign, quit or retire! You all did nothing to build this company!! You swooped in a year ago(or months in KK's case) and tried to pretend like you had something to do with Shires success! You all now have ZERO credibility with the sales force. Is that TRANSPARENT enough for ya!

Fuck those dirty thirty including the Big 3 in the NBU, I cannot wait to see how they spin this at the next NSM, you tried to sell us off to profit in a company that you have systemically destroyed in a matter of a year, you are the epitome of corporate greed and you better stay off the stage and just cower in your corner office.

We will continue to sell Vyvanse because we need to put food on the table, not because of any of you!!! Remember that, each time you open your mouth on stage or on a fake conference call understand that 90% of the real Shire employees mock and laugh at you, we make fun of you on our Zone and Regional calls, during field visits with our RDs, and during the breaks at our POA meetings, we will continue to give you courtesy golf claps and smile ear to ear and bobble head in agreement to the filth you spew at us, but understand we can be as fake as you!

This is perfect and sums it up, but just remember, Shire is still bigger than a few people who lack morals, integrity, honesty, and leadership. Don't think for a moment that KK's protection from her dictator ways won't crumble when HR and Compliance wake up

This is perfect and sums it up, but just remember, Shire is still bigger than a few people who lack morals, integrity, honesty, and leadership. Don't think for a moment that KK's protection from her dictator ways won't crumble when HR and Compliance wake up

If any of you know something that KK is doing with then speak up. Maybe that will seal the deal finally on this bad experiment.