Take this job and you will rue the day you ever heard of Abbott Nutrition. What you may ask suck about this job...well, since you asked:
-the hours, you are required to do around the clock presentations at hospitals
-samples, they are bulky and a total PITA to handle
-budgets, always cutting
-management, fear, intimidation and a bunch of bullies
-respect, your "customers" do not respect you, you bring nothing of value...other than lunch
-birth rates, as the economy continues to under perform the birth rate as continued to slide
-breast-feeding, Obamacare has a provision that insurance must pay for pumps, rates will continue to increase
I could probably go on, but you get the idea. If you want to be happy, this is not the place. If you need to take the job or you will lose your house, by all means take the job. But, keep looking for a job where you can actually look at yourself in the mirror when you come home.
Just my thoughts.