I Love America
I Love America
So a mooslum kills people and the media twists themselves in knots telling us it "isn't all mooslums" and it isn't "Islum".
But, some lone nutjob shoots a Congresswoman, and the same libtards twist themselves in knots trying to paint every Conservative as being at fault.
Sometimes I wonder which ideology is more sick and twisted. Is it Islum or Liberulism?
On second thought, in honor of BrokebackChancre's new Goober Warming thread. It is a tie
So a mooslum kills people and the media twists themselves in knots telling us it "isn't all mooslums" and it isn't "Islum".
But, some lone nutjob shoots a Congresswoman, and the same libtards twist themselves in knots trying to paint every Conservative as being at fault.
Sometimes I wonder which ideology is more sick and twisted. Is it Islum or Liberulism?
On second thought, in honor of BrokebackChancre's new Goober Warming thread. It is a tie