A Succinct Message to Washington

No remorse at all, the timing of the post along with some of your recent comments led me to point that out before others jumped in. I've made it quite clear that I think the financial mess we're in now began way back around the time of FDR and has been geometrically progressing through Reagan then Bush and now Obama. I drew the analogy of continually using credit cards to pay your bills until finally the house of cards fell in. In fact you even commeneted that you liked that post (so don't make me look it up).

So what's your problem? Sudden selective memory loss?

It's a fair analogy. Yet obama wants to rant about certain practices being supported by both sides before, and golly, why aren't they supported now? Yes, a bank will let you borrow and spend up to a point, support purchasing of homes, fancy vacations, cars, home repairs, whatever. But once you are overextended, miss a payment, then the rules change. The worst part of his rants is that so few people think critically and accept this as fact. They don't look at why the rules have changed. He will also never admit things have gotten worse on his watch. Much worse.

You have an ongoing soap opera starring Barack Obama running in your head. I personally think it's hatred, not sure what type. Anyway, just a week or so ago both he and Biden stated that our current economi9c mess can't be blamed on the Bush administration. Why do you keep saying he's ranting? Is it because of the Republicans shooting themselves in the foot over the jobs bill that most Americans want?

Look, we decided he's a one termer. What are your suggestions on how to solve the problem and who do you think is capable? Please realize that if mission isnt accomplished in 2 years and 8 months, that person will be rebuked like the current one. I agree it may be time for a change but your rants are be coming toxic and solve nothing (except for you to vent).

You claim to not be a libbie but get mighty defensive about obama. Not hatred but outright disgust. Of liberal policies and attempts to distribute wealth and socialize the US. Of everything that is wrong with a media run election system that allows this poser to be in office. Of people getting caught up in it again wanting flash instead of substance.

Great YOU decided he's a one termer. He still has far too much support for that to be a given. You see the posts on CP as a microcosm and should figure out some people will vote for him again no matter what.

Why do I say he is ranting? Because of his diatribe about 'these proposals have garnered bipartisan support before' acting like he is too ignorant to understand what is different with the factors in this economy, or 'put country before politics' which is a direct insult to people who believe it is his politics that is making our economy worse. Every speech, even one talking about international trade, has to have these tag lines included.

Hilarious though that I was supporting your post and you are too dense to see it. You may think you own the playground but I can post what I choose to here. I've posted my views on candidates and why I feel certain ones have what it takes to improve the nation. But I am not restricted to speaking about what you think is OK to discuss. If you don't like it, don't read it. Just like I don't read or comment on your asinine playground posts.

Oh yeah, people want the jobs bill - so long as they aren't asked to pay for it - and so long as they are brainwashed into thinking it is anything but stimulus 2. And no, someone doesn't have to turn the economy around in 3 years or be dismissed. However, they can't promise the moon and the stars and not deliver. I cautioned about his over promises and trumped up hype before he was elected - and BTW, said many times before the election he would win - but I was told people understood it ws hype and didn't really expect him to deliver the change he stated. But the disillusionment is exactly because he overpromised and underdelivered.

Tough tookus if you don't like what I choose to post. The focus is and should be on obama and his failed policies until the day he leaves office and there is no more discussion about continuation of his plans.

As Steve Martin would say, "Excuse me?"

Again, read your own post where you definitively state he will not serve another term. Wassa matta? Don't believe your own thoughts? ........... heh!


Yes, I have stated my opinion that he will lose and the reasons and evidence that supports that opinion. I have also stated this is far from a 100% decided outcome and to count him out is not smart.

Yet you have a knee jerk defensive position every time the idiot is criticized.

Yes, I have stated my opinion that he will lose and the reasons and evidence that supports that opinion. I have also stated this is far from a 100% decided outcome and to count him out is not smart.

Yet you have a knee jerk defensive position every time the idiot is criticized.

Again, nothing could be further from the truth. You just stated a bald-faced lie. I have been extremely critical of him (Arizona border - member? Reversal of medimar position - member?). I have also stated I will not vote for him again based on these 2 stances alone. The difference between you and I is that I believe in civilzed disagreemant and discussion. I applaud the things I like (bin Laden; Al wakilaki and the raghead he got the other day) and I rail about the things I don't. You have an ongoing soap-opera- obsession going on in your head, engage in blind hatred and fire off like a loose canon about every single thing the man does. No one is wrong all the time, not even Dick Cheney or Newt Gingrich - although they're close.

Wow. Two issues huh? I believe you'll vote against him as much as I believe ILA could ever vote for him.

That's like saying because I support his views on stem cell research I would vote for him.

His view of America is diametrically opposed to mine so yes, I think 99% of what he does or proposes is wrong. His trumped up speaking capability is even only when reading from a script. Listening to the umms with every pause during his speech yesterday was painful. His policies on energy, foreign affairs, and the economy are all wrong. His interventions against states trying to control immigration is downright insane, I think those are a little more important than your need for legal drugs.

Wow. Two issues huh? I believe you'll vote against him as much as I believe ILA could ever vote for him.

That's like saying because I support his views on stem cell research I would vote for him.

His view of America is diametrically opposed to mine so yes, I think 99% of what he does or proposes is wrong. His trumped up speaking capability is even only when reading from a script. Listening to the umms with every pause during his speech yesterday was painful. His policies on energy, foreign affairs, and the economy are all wrong. His interventions against states trying to control immigration is downright insane, I think those are a little more important than your need for legal drugs.

Oh? So you're upset because he can give a speech? It's funny the fact he can string together a speech just kills you. Is that because the last president wasn't intelligent enough to?

Speaking of inability, here's a little quote from ourt last goofball himself you might want to ponder:

You know, I could run for governor and all this but I’m basically a media creation. I’ve never really done anything. I’ve worked for my dad. I worked in the oil industry. But that’s not the kind of profile you have to have to get elected to public office.
In an interview with the Midland Reporter Telegram on July 4, 1989, quoted in Bush’s Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential (John Wiley and Sons, 2003) by James Moore and Wayne Slater, p. 161.

Yeah vag, that's it. There's the priority and focus out of this conversation. But no, he can't give a speech unless it is written for him, scripted, rehearsed, and on a teleprompter.

Again, your defense of this guy is endless.