
Please lay us all off!

This is a misreable job and Synagis is headed straight into the toilet.

The layers of paperwork BS and ridiculousness associated with getting ONE SINGLE BABY approved for Synagis is destroying pediatricians and killing babies.

Plus, the FRMs are making the process WORSE because they cannot assist. The BSSs have been neutered.

You and your lawyers have destroyed Synagis. We are being managed by people who don't know or understand the market.

Synagis is going to tank by at least 50 percent this year or more.

Please lay us all off!

This is a misreable job and Synagis is headed straight into the toilet.

The layers of paperwork BS and ridiculousness associated with getting ONE SINGLE BABY approved for Synagis is destroying pediatricians and killing babies.

Plus, the FRMs are making the process WORSE because they cannot assist. The BSSs have been neutered.

You and your lawyers have destroyed Synagis. We are being managed by people who don't know or understand the market.

Synagis is going to tank by at least 50 percent this year or more.

whiner. Back away and let your FRM do their job. They ARE making a difference and giving us time to sell so we DONT lose business. You make ALL BSS's look bad when you say things like this. The AAP is the problem- not medimmune

Please lay us all off!

This is a misreable job and Synagis is headed straight into the toilet.

The layers of paperwork BS and ridiculousness associated with getting ONE SINGLE BABY approved for Synagis is destroying pediatricians and killing babies.

Plus, the FRMs are making the process WORSE because they cannot assist. The BSSs have been neutered.

You and your lawyers have destroyed Synagis. We are being managed by people who don't know or understand the market.

Synagis is going to tank by at least 50 percent this year or more.[/QUOTET

Alot of BSSs are frustrated and feel bad. Upper management needs to take notice. I don't know what can be done but it needs to be addressed.

management won't care unless ZS associates tells them to care. ZS runs the show because medi and az pay them a lot to do so. that way, everyone is covered from a CYA perspective, and the stuff rolls, or is pushed, downhill.

Yep, there are people here who get it. ZS has no idea how to run this business, they just provide cover for the execs when everything gets screwed up. If you look at the things they did to the CMM's before laying them off you can see the writing on the wall. When you can't do the things that make a difference anymore why pay you? You won't be making bonus anyway this year... start looking.

Ipads ?. Cute but most humans prefer a keyboard. Tablets are for consumng info, not for creating documents email, spreadsheets. Very good for mind numbing checkboxes though!. Thank you again ZS. NOT.

Ipads ?. Cute but most humans prefer a keyboard. Tablets are for consumng info, not for creating documents email, spreadsheets. Very good for mind numbing checkboxes though!. Thank you again ZS. NOT.

Really, an "investment" in IPADS???? First of all, I am writing this from an IPAD and they mostly suck. They are only good for porn so at least all of your frequently travelers are covered in hotel rooms! Then they are going to fly the ABMs to yet another overpriced and indulgent meeting to train them on how to microchip their reps and check on their daily progress talking to receptionists and MAs. Hmmmmm, time for ZS to take a long bath.

so not sure i understand! The BSS's kept their JOB. You are in a sales position. The CMM lost their jobs because the BSS said they didnt sell- so now YOU ADMITT you don't want to sell- and you cry about it. The CMM is the only group that actually sold- wrong group gone! Take a look around in the industry- you have a good gig- there is not a much better one out there as for the most part you are left alone . At this juncture in the industry- would do what I was told and be thankful you can provide for yourself and your family as many still are unemployed... Its not going to change- FMS's are here to stay and as i hear- many ARE getting it done.

If you think BSS's will be around in a few years you need to get real with yourself. Every time they make you less effective it's one more step towards eliminating your job. It's easier to look when you have a job already, you know? And the CMM severance packages were worse than the first BSS layoffs, so I wouldn't count on much. Just enough for the lawyers to make you sign away your right to sue.

whiner. Back away and let your FRM do their job. They ARE making a difference and giving us time to sell so we DONT lose business. You make ALL BSS's look bad when you say things like this. The AAP is the problem- not medimmune

Yeah, the FRMs don't fucking suck at all....which is why Synagis is down, what, almost 40%?

Yeah, the FRMs don't fucking suck at all....which is why Synagis is down, what, almost 40%?

Synagis REFERRALS are down! Its elementary my dear- WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??
FRMS aren't responsible for referrals- YOU ARE- Maybe you should concentrate on selling to the DOCTOR who makes the decision and not the coordinator. You better be pointing the finger right back at yourself. You already admitted you can sell a mature product.
Its all right here in cafe pharma for upper management to read. IDIOT

Synagis REFERRALS are down! Its elementary my dear- WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??
FRMS aren't responsible for referrals- YOU ARE- Maybe you should concentrate on selling to the DOCTOR who makes the decision and not the coordinator. You better be pointing the finger right back at yourself. You already admitted you can sell a mature product.
Its all right here in cafe pharma for upper management to read. IDIOT

FRMs are not responsible for referrals, eh. No wonder this company in going down the crapper. MDs can be educated all day long- and they are- but if those ID'd patients are not converted into referrals by overworked and overstressed coordinators who have a million things on their plate, then the business goes down. The FRM role does not do what needs to be done to support the conversion of potential patients into referrals, period, end of conversation. It's elementary my dear. The proof is in the numbers. The variable this season is the BSS is out of the game and look what happens. Business tanks. But please, keep defending your bloated salary and ineptitude. It's quite entertaining.

so is your defense that there is no need for selling- and that you don't take any responsibility for referrals. THAT proof is in the pudding and I AM a BSS that happens to have a good relationship with my counterpart

so is your defense that there is no need for selling- and that you don't take any responsibility for referrals. THAT proof is in the pudding and I AM a BSS that happens to have a good relationship with my counterpart

Yawn. No one said it isn't shared responsibility, you dope. The numbers are what they are and seeing what's going on, you can't say that this business model isn't flawed. If you sold copiers and made the sale yet the product order lies in the hands of another who isn't getting the order to market that's a problem, right. Come on.

The product has always lied with the responsibility of others- "the coordinator" your inflated BSS ego can't get that. why are you so opposed to having the selling job?

Are you retarded? What happens when you sell all day long and have no empowerment to bring that sale to a real close? The close doesn't end at the conversation with the MD it ends at the completed referral. Dope.I'll tell you that happens....sales go DOWN. Which they have. Proof is in the proverbial pudding ya little bitch!