A Solvay Rhyme from another day, another time...


Twas the night before the end of our final training class, the year was 1997
The trainers and the company threw a nice dinner event, the good food and drink were served way past 11....

There were a lot of folks there, even the company President, Mr. Dodd
It was a night of laughter and fun and we all had a good time, until something happened that was rather odd....

Unbeknown to us (at least to me), we had a blond trainee who was a serious alcholic, who drank waaay to much and really began to frolic.

She took to the dance floor and started acting frisky and wild
Oh, this poor drunk wench, this wretched child...

She works her way across the dance floor, trying to mingle
When all of a sudden, she did something that made us all tingle

She made a bold move that you might say was rather crass
This girl reached down and grabbed the company President on the ass

She replied "You've really got a nice set of firm buttcheeks there"
The party basically stopped, all we could go was watch and stare

So now, it's the next morning and we're all aboard our plane back home
When all of a sudden, this drunken wench aboard the plane started to roam

She was crying and upset and saying "Why would the company fire me?"
"Didn't they know I was an alcoholic, oh why, oh why, poor lil old me"

So she made her way 'cross the plane ..sobbing and boo-hooing to all the reps that she did meet...

All I could thing of was "I wish the Flight Attendant would Crazy Glue this B*tch to her seat".

---THE END--- :)

Classic! Although a year before my time with the company...Do you happen to remember when we got new computers (going from DOS to windows based) and they flew the entire company in for training (1999 or 2000 I think)?

A similar thing happened where some newhire frat boy got really drunk at the hotel and was basically running up and down the hallway with his shirt off, trying to get into girl's rooms. He got fired the next day and was heard yelling: "I'll have your job, don't you know who my dad is?"

Ah, the good old days...

Classic! Although a year before my time with the company...Do you happen to remember when we got new computers (going from DOS to windows based) and they flew the entire company in for training (1999 or 2000 I think)?

A similar thing happened where some newhire frat boy got really drunk at the hotel and was basically running up and down the hallway with his shirt off, trying to get into girl's rooms. He got fired the next day and was heard yelling: "I'll have your job, don't you know who my dad is?"

Ah, the good old days...

LOL! Solvay should've done blood-alcohol testing during training! Amazing some of the mindless drunked buffoons they hired!

I worked in Marietta on the same floor as sales training for years. we snuck all your food and had to share our ladies room with all the hungover tramps who apparently had never been to the big city nor had unlimited access to alcohol before. How I miss you, Solvay!

I remember when more than half the SF district got fired for getting naked in the hot tub at the hotel. And no I was not in the SF district, but loved the new hires, totally cool as was the Soon to be RD!

Hired in 92- left for lilly in 96'

Rowasa enemas and sups.
estratest and Hs.

3 weeks in Marrieta
drunk every night
hook ups every night
Gary Andersen the head of training
Smoke breaks