A Singleton Returns


Another person that TVL "Acumeded" just before he decided to leave the company the first time.
Another guy that utilized company funds and travel to his benefit (see girlfriend he had in Chicago for a while) during the last go round with Acumed.

Solid rehire.

*Acumeding is a slang term used to describe encountering intimate knowledge of someone. -See Urban Dictionary

Where does one start when air info of Acumed bottom feeders?

Oh yes, of course.... CJ.
Can there be a more inept VP? (Maybe, the HR VP is right up there. Wow, can she tie her own shoes?)

CJ, the homework has been done on you from time at Zimmer and Alpha...
The dirt will be leaked out and you won't be able to hide from it.

Your decision making just in terms of hiring is a glaring joke. How are you even still in position? You crutches on JR for an entire year because you know nothing of Sales. What have you sold outside of your BS work history and resume?

All will be aired. Standby.