a sad, empty shell of what they were


AIT once had heart, vibrancy, culture, purpose, excitement, and talented people all executing against a vision.

AIT has replaced:

heart with fear
vibrancy with complacency
culture with ignorance
purpose with irrelevance
excitement with stagnation
talented people with warm bodies

And now is where we witness their capitulation into irrelevance. "How the Might Fall" was a good book that was passed out to many in management there at one time. Too bad they didn't realize it wasn't meant as a how-to guide on how to destroy a business.

doc smells like beef and cheese and sits on a throne of lies

Doc smells of cheap cologne, bologna, wonderbread, cheap shoes and struts with crippled gait and mind.

Bob reeks of lies and sits on a throne of digested cheeseburgers and the tears of failure from his aspirations of a life on honor.

The board of directors pushes for progress as the bank pulls the strings.

The employees quickly update their resumes on company time.

The best leave.

The rest stays.

The competition consolidates and grows stronger.

AIT panics while paddling for breath.

Out here is opportunity, growth and light. Explore new opportunities.

Where you're at is full of darkness,

If you're still there, take this opportunity to leave. There is no hope. Bide your time and then move on.

You know it. The heart is gone. The soul is gone. The minds are gone. The only thing that is left is the machine.

The machine only wants your hands. It doesn't care about your minds. If you have a mind, then you should leave.

If you only have hands, then stay... until you are replaced with cheaper ones.

Doc smells of cheap cologne, bologna, wonderbread, cheap shoes and struts with crippled gait and mind.

Bob reeks of lies and sits on a throne of digested cheeseburgers and the tears of failure from his aspirations of a life on honor.

The board of directors pushes for progress as the bank pulls the strings.

The employees quickly update their resumes on company time.

The best leave.

The rest stays.

The competition consolidates and grows stronger.

AIT panics while paddling for breath.

Out here is opportunity, growth and light. Explore new opportunities.

Where you're at is full of darkness,

If you're still there, take this opportunity to leave. There is no hope. Bide your time and then move on.

You know it. The heart is gone. The soul is gone. The minds are gone. The only thing that is left is the machine.

The machine only wants your hands. It doesn't care about your minds. If you have a mind, then you should leave.

If you only have hands, then stay... until you are replaced with cheaper ones.

Well done! It took poetry to make me realize that most clinical laboratories I have sold for fits this description.

Where did it all go wrong?
1). ME getting sick and EO running the company.
2). Managed care department doing nothing for 4+ years.
3). Not listening to our clients, making clients conform to our ideas
4). Failure to adopt POC 2 years late
5). Sitting on the notion revenue model would go away.

Feel free to add.

Where did it all go wrong?
1). ME getting sick and EO running the company.
2). Managed care department doing nothing for 4+ years.
3). Not listening to our clients, making clients conform to our ideas
4). Failure to adopt POC 2 years late
5). Sitting on the notion revenue model would go away.

Feel free to add.

1. Thinking, believing, and preaching that Medicare would pay whatever they billed for testing, and not listening when employees were telling them that this would end just like it did in other areas of health care during the past 15 years.

2. Believing that testing would significantly reduce the prescription drug-abuse problem when most of the problem comes from black market drugs hitting the streets.

3. Hubris among inexperienced department managers and executives.

Most of the talented people either left or were fired, and they were never replaced with equal talent. EO, TP, RT, BC, PL, RC, MS, RB were all really talented people that figured out one way or the other that this place is doomed to mediocrity at best.

I hope you are joking.

It was under EO's watch that AIT lost 9 million dollars in one year.

BC, can we say lawsuit?

RC, wow...really brought nothing to the table.

TP was cool. Wish he would have stayed.

RB, nah. Glorified news producer.

MS, went from job to job. Quite the bad attitude. Maybe she went back to Merck? LOL.

RT, should never have been placed in charge of a science laboratory...he was an IT guy at heart.

PL? I don't know who that is. Probably sucked too.

I hope you are joking.

It was under EO's watch that AIT lost 9 million dollars in one year.

BC, can we say lawsuit?

RC, wow...really brought nothing to the table.

TP was cool. Wish he would have stayed.

RB, nah. Glorified news producer.

MS, went from job to job. Quite the bad attitude. Maybe she went back to Merck? LOL.

RT, should never have been placed in charge of a science laboratory...he was an IT guy at heart.

PL? I don't know who that is. Probably sucked too.

Let's NOT forget the WORSE manager ever....TS --- also known as Wicked Witch. That woman is pure evil and lacks any leadership skills...sad part is management does not see it!!!