A Great Feature on Our New Computers!


FYI: Directly from the manufacturer description of the Lenovo X200...


The ThinkVantage GPS Enabler, included with ThinkPad X200s that have mobile broadband, lets users track their movements using Google Maps—even if they don’t activate the 3G connection.

There you have it boys and girls....are you ready for your electronic anklet?

Teva is beginning to smell worse than Big Pharma!

This is Big Brother talking, "Go back to work"! Losers all of you, I have watched you for years, that is why we took your fingerprints, your urine, hair, and all of your personal information. Remember how they told you about your permanent record, this is it.

I like the google map back tracking feature on this new electronic collar. They can run the software to not only see where you are but where you've been! Man I just love this Orwell stuff these day...there goes my golf game.

For some reason I remember a recent speech from one of owe non-leaders.....something about granting "trust"....

Just goes to show you we are now no different than big parma with a bunch of rah rah non-leaders spewing psychobabble about how important we are to the company. Total BS

I would like to grant you "kiss my arse"....

I wonder what would happen if say a lot of these tracking units accidentally got dropped by say 30-40 reps? Mine will have an accident shortly after i get it. Let's just call it passive protest.

I have an off the wall proposal that would take a banding of brothers of epic proportions. And maybe it's because I've recently watched Goodfellas, but Pharma reps and their managers should learn something from that movie about loyalty, and sticking together. Pharma is changing and whether your a rep or a manager you will find that your job is expendable. Why not create an undertone within all sales forces? For simplicity, don't mess with the sales force or they will react in an unfavorable way to anyone - clinics, doctors, companies... Etc. These people push us around like we are dirtbags and instead of letting them ram it up our asses forever, why don't we as sales forces start looking out for each other? Just the thought of a mafia style sales force sounds unrealistic, but if worked team by team inside of districts to where managers would be put in a position of fall in line or fire us all (which would nv'er happen) would be a stance not taken often.(ok, maybe for good reason) But wouldn't it be great to have the feeling of "screw your gps system. What are you gonna do about it? Fire me and the rest of the team to only find yourself in the same position in six months when your next rep feels the same way?" There are holes in this theory since ultimately the mafia has been burned to the ground before, but you gotta admit, it does have an interedtig appeal.

For some reason I remember a recent speech from one of owe non-leaders.....something about granting "trust"....

Just goes to show you we are now no different than big parma with a bunch of rah rah non-leaders spewing psychobabble about how important we are to the company. Total BS

I would like to grant you "kiss my arse"....

I doubt that anyone at Teva has time to track you unless there is a reason to do so. Do your job that you are paid to do and don't worry about whether or not we might be tracked...seriously, who cares? Doesn't TSP and Women's health have these laptops already? The purpose of the laptop is electronic signature capture for samples, from my understanding.

The purpose of the laptop is electronic signature capture for samples, from my understanding.


Uh huh..yeah riiight! First off simply because I object to being tracked doesn't mean I am not doing my job. I work as hard as anyone at this company that is quickly going down the toilet. I'm sure it is just for collecting signatures. By the way I have some swamp land for sell there buddy.

You are missing my point. Teva states grant trust yet does the opposite. Most of us are not buying into the BS anymore because actions speak louder than words. They are leaderless and it's getting worse by the day. They are hiring newbies with no experience so they can pay them less. These mistakes will absolutely come back and haunt you. We were a specialty group with top notch ethical talented folks. Now you've got inexperienced primary care types and the reps that gain accolades well let's just say I would call all of them ethical.

Big Brother here, just checking in on you lowly reps. Get back to work, not only can I track you , but I can hear you through your computer and cell phones. I can also turn on the camera and watch you as you get the signatures. Be wary this is all going on your "Perminent