A Grand Dilemma? No not really.

Truth hiding in plain sight

Pretend I am your financial adviser. We meet and I tell you that if you continue to do things the same way you are now you will retire with 1,000,000 in your account. Not too shabby huh?

Here is another option though. I can manipulate a few things in a way that is really outside of the law but when you retire you will have 10,000,000 in your account.
Now, there is a slim chance we could get caught and if we do you might have to pay back a million or two but you will still make at least 8 million more than playing it safe and you will not go to jail.

What do you do?

This is the same decision Pharma companies make all the time but instead of Millions there are Billions of dollars at stake. Promote on label and play it safe or push the reps to do whatever it takes to gain market share and hope that you don’t get caught?

Companies that have been under 1, 2 or even 3 CIA agreements continue to pick the second option because it just doesn’t make sense not too. So what if they get there hand slapped and fined even a Billion dollars. Sales on that single product might have been 5 Billion a year for the last ten years so they are still Billions ahead of where they would have been playing it safe and no one ever goes to jail. Sure the CEO might get booted with a 25 Million dollar golden parachute but believe me, he is laughing all the way to the bank.

The system is set up in a way that these companies would be crazy not to promote off label. Think about how the sales team is structured. Everyone from the people on the sales leadership team all the way down to the sales rep knows that they will be fired if their sales are not on target so they do exactly what the company wanted them to do in the first place. Pull out all the stops and drive market share in any way possible.

Don’t let their denials fool you. These companies know what is going on and expect to have to pay back some of the money. The only thing that really surprises them is if they don’t get caught. Looks like Christmas came early boys! Time to buy a new private jet!

That's the problem with laws and regulations in general. We have laws that say you can't be on a cellphone while your driving to work, yet I see 50% of the people either texting or holding their phone 3 inches from there mouth talking away. The problem is that the government doesn't have the manpower to police these laws. Just like income taxes, if you are the type of person who wants to get ahead at all costs, you will play games on your taxes etc. It's funny though when these people get caught, they blame the person that prepared their taxes ("he told me to do this"). The whole FDA oversight is a weak threat at best. Just look at all the lawyers going after these pharma companies for people that were injured or killed by a drug they took. Watch the nightly news some night and all you see are ads for pharma companies. 10 seconds of promotion and 50 seconds of disclaimers and warnings. Who in their right mind "asks their doctor if it's right for them" after listening to the litany of disclaimers? But we are a society of sheeple. We do what we think everybody else does. Companies are no different, they do what they think their competitors do. So if they think their competitor is cheating, and they have weak management at the top, they will most like cheat as well. The only hope the FDA has of controlling this epidemic is to make a huge example out of 1 company to the point where they force them to go bankrupt. Is it fair to the one company - probably not. Will it stop the practice of underhanded sales - definitely. (as I climb off the soap box now)

What is the base pay range for an experienced reP AND BONUS POTENTIAL, I dont want to waste my time and yours if too low. Like the idea of working fora small company.