A friend?


Went to a pharmacy today. They told me how their home office is making them ask patients to switch to generics. Docs beat the hell out of me and some staff treat me like shit. Whats the difference between that and the people I work for? Not a damn thing. Then they tell us that they are worried about our health with the health survey. It says to take more time to get rid of excess stress. When the hell are we supposed to do that?

Could someone just really treat us like a decent friend would? We can't really make people write this stuff. If I could call on who would write it more often maybe it would pay off.

Our RD says that she made pharmacy calls when they weren't required and it got her on Nightingale trip. You think she would have time to do anything now that wasn't required of her. What a hypocrite. Why don't you give us the opportunity to do what we think would get some scripts. You know why....because your full of shit. I can't wait to get the hell out of here.

I started this out as a nice little post but once I started thinking about all of this I decided to just type whatever the hell came to mind. Sorry.

you know i'm a rep and we have tons of crap on us. i just wonder how bad the dms have it? i cant imagine being a dm and have to drink the kool aid. of course with all the minorities i guess they don't mind the kool aid.