look, i hate B&L and the dirtbags managing the place, but for you reps a deal with valeant might not be a bad thing. they are a global company and do not have an ophthalmic presence. could be great for you all and not result in any salesforce reduction. canadian so benefits / worklife might be better. granted, it still won't improve the standing of the company, now you have another clueless leader in charge of ophthalmics. That's the thing that always bothered me in Rx. all these idiots that rose to positions of power with their reach and frequency metrics. They did it in primary care and try and carry it over to specialty pharma. Just doesn't work. You need a leader that came up in ophthalmics. B&L is toast no matter who buys it. reputation has been shot for years. but you might get to keep a paycheck until you find something better.