You all are idiots. This is simply how BCBS is going to get a handle on all the out of network labs. They just are not going to continue to pay. It doesn't apply to Quest or LCA because they have the capitated contracts.
Come now! We're not all idiots..
Speaking as a rep for a Blues plan, here's the skinny: the BCBS' enforcement of the lab billing rule is a big, big help for us plans to control our spend on the Millenniums and Genotpix of the world. Those questionable labs have been skirting the system by billing all of their Blues business through the 1 or 2 Blues plans that were foolish enough to contract with them.
Those fun and games came to an end in Oct 2012, when all us Blues plans agreed to only accept lab claims for which the specimen was drawn in our territory.
Quest and LabCorp are in the catbird's seat now, as they both had the foresight to contract directly with as many Blues plans as possible.
The questionable labs had no such strategy, and now they're begging us for contracts. We're turning them away, as none of them are offering medically necessary testing that we can't already get through Quest, LabCorp, or a sprinkling of specialty labs in our network.
Y'all can whine and moan about how much it may suck to work for one of the behemoth labs, but the Big 2 are as well positioned as any labs can be in the era of Obamacare...