9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work ethic!


Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

You're on here dumb fck. By the way, since we all have the blackberry we can check this any time we have a minute. God I hate you.

Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

Do you not realize how stupid you look for posting such a thing? WTF are you doing on here? You work ethic is top notch because you can come on and post about others being on CP? I realize that 90% of the posts on CP are total garbage, but a lot of people are interested in what's going to happen this week. Besides, genius, welcome to the 21st century and a thing called smart phones. I'm posting this as I'm waiting to see some docs.

Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

Do you not realize how stupid you look for posting such a thing? WTF are you doing on here? You work ethic is top notch because you can come on and post about others being on CP? I realize that 90% of the posts on CP are total garbage, but a lot of people are interested in what's going to happen this week. Besides, genius, welcome to the 21st century and a thing called smart phones. I'm posting this as I'm waiting to see some docs.


Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

What a loser! Do understand the modern technology of blackberrys and iphones that many of us are smart enough to have of our own? And you might want to learn about time zones....the United States is a big area with more than one....you can google it to see how that works before you think you have a point about work ethic. The 9:48am has no merit in a work ethic argument for several reasons...I just gave you two of the most obvious ones.

Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

I was Legacy Wyeth and was almost canned a few months back, but ended up leaving under the Wyeth severence plan due to having info that contradicted what the DBM and RM had written on my PIP. One of the things they tried to get me on was not having signatures by 8:30AM and 4:30PM every day. I had a counterpart who planned her day around getting those signatures, but was a disaster in offices. She put in alot of time sitting in parking lots sending out e-mails and looking busy as well as complaining to the DBM about my unwillingness to communicate 2-3 times/day to keep her informed on what I was doing. I understand that the territory has tanked since I left. This company is getting what it deserves. I have taken a new position that is straight commission. I have some cushion due to the severence. I feel like a new person. Get out if you have real talent. The idiots who seem to love Pfizer and always spout the company line will find out how mistaken they are one day, just ask Pfizer retirees.

Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

We're all in our customer's waiting rooms on iPhones waiting to speak to doctors.

Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

It's 6:48 in California and all of the 102 are in the Pacific Time Zone. What's your excuse EST?

Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

You're on here dumb fck. By the way, since we all have the blackberry we can check this any time we have a minute. God I hate you.

Yeah, Im sure, all those people checking cafe pharma on those little bitty blackberry screen, yeah right! As we all know, tues-thurs from 10-2 (the six Ts)

Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

Do you not realize how stupid you look for posting such a thing? WTF are you doing on here? You work ethic is top notch because you can come on and post about others being on CP? I realize that 90% of the posts on CP are total garbage, but a lot of people are interested in what's going to happen this week. Besides, genius, welcome to the 21st century and a thing called smart phones. I'm posting this as I'm waiting to see some docs.

uh-huh, yeah, thats the ticket!!!

Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

Yeah, Im sure, all those people checking cafe pharma on those little bitty blackberry screen, yeah right! As we all know, tues-thurs from 10-2 (the six Ts)

Actually, I'm on vacation this week, but during the week, I'm on my blackberry every day in offices as I wait to see the doctors, and I pull cafepharma all the time. Have you used a blackberry before? They're not itty bitty, and actually have proved to be very functional...which is why so many of them are sold each day. Grow up. You may work 10-2, but others do a real day's work every day. This job is what it is...clearly, we have flexibility.....but not 10 - 2 to most. What's your problem? Jealous because you didn't get a pharma job? Already laid off and can't accept the fact that others are still working and waiting to see our fates on Thursday? I myself am hoping for the package...I'm leaving one way or another, but am a healthy enough person to not have to feel better about myself by slamming others when I'm wrong about my statement anyway. Get a life...and get some help. You obviously have issues.

Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

What I'm confused about is how many are being let go, I keep reading that it's territory specific, but what is the overall percentage. I know we will all find out soon enough but curiosity is getting the best of me. If anyone has specific reductions for DM's, DSR's and PHR's- Pfizer specifically, that would be greatly appreciated.

Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

I am home and drinking double until I get the word either way on Thursday - As for pharma work ethic - Go Pfuck yourself - It's fulltime pay for part time work.

Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

Actually, I'm on vacation this week, but during the week, I'm on my blackberry every day in offices as I wait to see the doctors, and I pull cafepharma all the time. Have you used a blackberry before? They're not itty bitty, and actually have proved to be very functional...which is why so many of them are sold each day. Grow up. You may work 10-2, but others do a real day's work every day. This job is what it is...clearly, we have flexibility.....but not 10 - 2 to most. What's your problem? Jealous because you didn't get a pharma job? Already laid off and can't accept the fact that others are still working and waiting to see our fates on Thursday? I myself am hoping for the package...I'm leaving one way or another, but am a healthy enough person to not have to feel better about myself by slamming others when I'm wrong about my statement anyway. Get a life...and get some help. You obviously have issues.

Huh? Due, wipe the foam from your mouth. Im starting to worry!

Re: 9:48am, and 102 people on the Pfizer board? 'nuff said about pharma rep work eth

What I'm confused about is how many are being let go, I keep reading that it's territory specific, but what is the overall percentage. I know we will all find out soon enough but curiosity is getting the best of me. If anyone has specific reductions for DM's, DSR's and PHR's- Pfizer specifically, that would be greatly appreciated.

Nobody knows, not your boss, his boss, or even your boss' boss' boss. The fact is that you wont know until the layoffs begin. Anyone that tells you otherwise is making an uninformed guess.

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