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76 years

Aaron Siri is leading & representing the professional organization of Doctors, Scientists and Researchers suing the FDA for the Release of Pfizer’s Full Vaccine Raw Data Release. The FDA is dragging their feet on this release. Recently, the federal judge clearly stated that public transparency is a priority at this time and waiting 75 years for this data is unacceptable, considering the FDA approved Pfizer’s vaccine in 108 days. The Judge ordered the FDA has 8 months to release all comprehensive data.

Pfizer is now trying to ask the judge if they can "assist" the FDA in expediting this process. As they only want to "help!"

We know Pfizer has the FDA, CDC, NIH and Administration doing all their free vaccine marketing and bidding and there is absolutely NO place for Pfizer in this litigation AT ALL. Unfortunately, both Pfizer and the FDA will be burned pretty soon. The entire world is watching coporatocracy unfold and this unholy union has shown it's a snake with multiple heads.

This has to be the Crime of The Century and what's different this time... is we are all subjected to this nonsense and used in this experiment. The FDA and Pfizer have full immunity and will have NO recourse for their crimes.

Gut the CDC, FDA, NIH and HHS. Rebuild these agencies with reputable, honest people that protect and work for it's citizens NOT shilling and protecting Pfizer!

Aaron Siri is leading & representing the professional organization of Doctors, Scientists and Researchers suing the FDA for the Release of Pfizer’s Full Vaccine Raw Data Release. The FDA is dragging their feet on this release. Recently, the federal judge clearly stated that public transparency is a priority at this time and waiting 75 years for this data is unacceptable, considering the FDA approved Pfizer’s vaccine in 108 days. The Judge ordered the FDA has 8 months to release all comprehensive data.

Pfizer is now trying to ask the judge if they can "assist" the FDA in expediting this process. As they only want to "help!"

We know Pfizer has the FDA, CDC, NIH and Administration doing all their free vaccine marketing and bidding and there is absolutely NO place for Pfizer in this litigation AT ALL. Unfortunately, both Pfizer and the FDA will be burned pretty soon. The entire world is watching coporatocracy unfold and this unholy union has shown it's a snake with multiple heads.

This has to be the Crime of The Century and what's different this time... is we are all subjected to this nonsense and used in this experiment. The FDA and Pfizer have full immunity and will have NO recourse for their crimes.

Gut the CDC, FDA, NIH and HHS. Rebuild these agencies with reputable, honest people that protect and work for it's citizens NOT shilling and protecting Pfizer!

Pfizer and the FDA hide vaccine clinical data and are currently being sued.

What are they hiding?

Clinical Data Proves: All Cause Mortality Endpoint for Pfizer's Covid 19 Vaccine Failed!

More Deaths in Vaccine Group then Placebo Group.

As a gold standard in biotech, you would have NO Drug APPROVED.

Insurance Companies and Actuarials are identifying this already captured death and disabilities as a result of Pfizer's Vaccine.

U.S. firm MetLife (MET.N)was hit at its domestic life operations in generally strong third-quarter earnings. read more

It said that in the third quarter, 40% of U.S. COVID-19 deaths were of people under 65 years old, "the highest percentage in any quarter since the pandemic began".

Last comment was spot on! No drug is perfect and everyone should get to decide for themselves
if they want to take it. If you going to make emergency use drug, all data must be out there for patient and doctors to make a choice. Pregnant? Autoimmune? Young? Previous infection? The entire company is conservative and the ELT is extremely liberal and the most woke.

They're trying to redefine what it means to be human (compliant/never question authority/brainwashed). And they are using fear and anxiety to do it. The profits are secondary

How was the fda able to review all of these documents in a year or two (not sure how long it took to approve the vaccine)?

Where I am going with this is why or how was it possible to review all of these documents in a relatively short amount of time yet they want or need 75 years to provide them to the public?

The House of Cards for these vaccines were built upon fraudulent clinical data.

"Trust the Science." I challenge Pfizer and the FDA to SHOW US the Science they want us to Trust so much.

Would you buy food from a supermarket without a nutritional label and ingredient list, then forced to consume it? EXACTLY!