Is this a 2 year contract?
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Mar 13, 2012 at 12:19: PM #1 Anonymous Guest Is this a 2 year contract?
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Mar 14, 2012 at 06:30: AM #2 Anonymous Guest Thats what I thought, seemed like it made sense to me. Company car as well.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Mar 14, 2012 at 11:08: AM #3 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: Thats what I thought, seemed like it made sense to me. Company car as well. Click to expand... Get a job and a sense of humor loser. You keep trying to get responses for months. You are a sad little man. But then again you already know that.
Anonymous said: Thats what I thought, seemed like it made sense to me. Company car as well. Click to expand... Get a job and a sense of humor loser. You keep trying to get responses for months. You are a sad little man. But then again you already know that.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Mar 14, 2012 at 11:49: AM #4 Anonymous Guest Ha! Ha! Ha! I have a real job loser with a real company loser and I am not a contract loser...loser