70 Laid Off on 7/31 at HO

As long as Anderson - CEO makes his 10 million!!!! Unbelievable. Simple fix Mr. CEO - instead of shedding jobs - sell Monsanto!!!
Not rocket science.
I’m sure they are keeping this quiet and not sharing who was canned or what teams were impacted per usual so when we go to email people and it bounces it the only indicator. So pathetic. bayer sucks

As long as Anderson - CEO makes his 10 million!!!! Unbelievable. Simple fix Mr. CEO - instead of shedding jobs - sell Monsanto!!!
Not rocket science.
You’re giving him too much credit for actually believing he cares about Bayer or its employees who he chose to eliminate likely while taking his last bowel movement. All he cares about are his rich DSO discovery and shout it to anyone who wants to listen and his paycheck. When the paycheck starts to go down hopefully it will be the end to him. Bayer has never been in a more worse state!

BAYER is the most ignorantly run company and the laughing joke of pharma. The Oncology team is being ruined by primary care reps and managers who are clueless. Non-talented mediocre executive AGMs from TM and CV. Lazy ass FRMs and ONEs who have the most worthless job on books. Anyone get this memo stop dreaming leadership double therapy and hormone sensitive prostate cancer isn’t going to make you rich. It makes up a low percent of prostate cancer with tons of competition on the runway.

At the risk of sounding harsh or cold, were these people:
Hard workers: yes
Good people: yes
In roles enabling a bureaucratic maze of duplication and irrelevance: YES
Now there are less HQ personnel, all looking wide eyed at their new responsibilities. Let us all hope they work harder at activities that actually support the mission, and less duplication, irrelevance, and jumping through bureaucratic hoops.