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64 percent of Democratic voters...


64 percent of Democratic voters DON'T want Fentanyl Biden to run for reelection.
Now only 33% of Democrat voters approve of the direction Biden has taken the country.

How's that 40-yr record 9.1% inflation working for you basement dwellers?

64 percent of Democratic voters DON'T want Fentanyl Biden to run for reelection.
Now only 33% of Democrat voters approve of the direction Biden has taken the country.

How's that 40-yr record 9.1% inflation working for you basement dwellers?
Written by basement dwelling person who spends his time memorizing dialogue from Tucker Carlson and Hannity show. Get that dialogue straight Junior.

Blaming inflation on Biden is hilarious. Don't blame your orange buffoon for the tariffs, gas prices, the rampant spread of Covid-19, printing money like its water...ad nauseum...

64 percent of Democratic voters DON'T want Fentanyl Biden to run for reelection.
Now only 33% of Democrat voters approve of the direction Biden has taken the country.

How's that 40-yr record 9.1% inflation working for you basement dwellers?
Yet I would STILL vote for hm over traitor Donnie Dumas, any of his enablers, or Ronnie DeathSantis. Suck on that, LOSER!

It came from New York Times. Even they can't ignore it. But, you 33 percenters don't know any better. Enjoy the transient Biden Tax.

We had a guy in there who could care less about our democracy and/or the will of the people. He had no respect for our tradition of an orderly transition of power. We made it thru his regime, if he had a brain, he would have acted like a patriot and waited the current administration out then run again. That might have given him some credibility. Instead, he decided to be a drama queen and now he has to pay the piper. Too bad, so sad, fuck him and the horse he rode in on.

Yet I would STILL vote for hm over traitor Donnie Dumas, any of his enablers, or Ronnie DeathSantis. Suck on that, LOSER!
I’ll second that. Problems we are currently having in the US (and worldwide!) are largely caused by after effects from the pandemic and Russia’s war in Ukraine. Biden inherited Afghanistan which was a booby trap thanks to trump and what he negotiated with the Taliban before leaving office. Don’t even try to tell me otherwise- I’m not stupid or blind.
The Republican Party is now the Fascist party and must be destroyed. Dems not perfect but they aren’t trying to impose a Christofascist regime on this country which seeks to spy on women and put guns into every crazy 18 year old male.

I’ll second that. Problems we are currently having in the US (and worldwide!) are largely caused by after effects from the pandemic and Russia’s war in Ukraine. Biden inherited Afghanistan which was a booby trap thanks to trump and what he negotiated with the Taliban before leaving office. Don’t even try to tell me otherwise- I’m not stupid or blind.
The Republican Party is now the Fascist party and must be destroyed. Dems not perfect but they aren’t trying to impose a Christofascist regime on this country which seeks to spy on women and put guns into every crazy 18 year old male.
Well said. Truth.

I’ll second that. Problems we are currently having in the US (and worldwide!) are largely caused by after effects from the pandemic and Russia’s war in Ukraine. Biden inherited Afghanistan which was a booby trap thanks to trump and what he negotiated with the Taliban before leaving office. Don’t even try to tell me otherwise- I’m not stupid or blind.
The Republican Party is now the Fascist party and must be destroyed. Dems not perfect but they aren’t trying to impose a Christofascist regime on this country which seeks to spy on women and put guns into every crazy 18 year old male.
You are stupid and blind. Reading your tripe is like watching the View.

Blaming inflation on Biden is hilarious. Don't blame your orange buffoon for the tariffs, gas prices, the rampant spread of Covid-19, printing money like its water...ad nauseum...
Hey Fuckturd, gas prices doubled from when Biden took office and before Putins war. Chief Economic Advisors for Obama and Clinton lay the inflation on the Democrats (not a single Republican voted for it) foolish $1.9 Trillion. Trump (a businessman) gave us two Covid-19 vaccines, and dimwit Biden (not a businessman, but a lifelong loser) couldn't even remember that he had benefited from them on inauguration day. Had Biden been president the prospect of vaccines would still be tied up in bureaucratic committees.
Inflation was 1.25% when Biden took office from Trump. Now Biden has grown inflation to 9.1. Be proud, LOSER.

Hey Fuckturd, gas prices doubled from when Biden took office and before Putins war. Chief Economic Advisors for Obama and Clinton lay the inflation on the Democrats (not a single Republican voted for it) foolish $1.9 Trillion. Trump (a businessman) gave us two Covid-19 vaccines, and dimwit Biden (not a businessman, but a lifelong loser) couldn't even remember that he had benefited from them on inauguration day. Had Biden been president the prospect of vaccines would still be tied up in bureaucratic committees.
Inflation was 1.25% when Biden took office from Trump. Now Biden has grown inflation to 9.1. Be proud, LOSER.

Trump, a businessman :)p) tried to say the Constitution allows the VP alone to reject the electoral college decisions on the election.
If that's the case, Kamala gets to do that in 2024, right?
See how that works?
Smarts, doesn't it? :eek:

Trump, a businessman :)p) tried to say the Constitution allows the VP alone to reject the electoral college decisions on the election.
If that's the case, Kamala gets to do that in 2024, right?
See how that works?
Smarts, doesn't it? :eek:
Look, Viewman, for me and many others Trump jumped the shark on J6 when he sat on his ass and didn't call off the raid. That said, Trump left the country in far better shape than it is under Biden. You egomaniacal fucks put Biden and his cackling airhead vp in office, so you are complicit in the destruction of America. And, given the dismal cadre of weak candidates you have for 2024, you should be focusing on how you'll rescue America from another malfeasant term by the current traitor in chief. If you like the soaring crime rates in American cities, you elected the right guy. If you like having the boarder wide open to any terrorist who wants to blend in with the truly downtrodden, you elected the right guy. If you like the dreadful acrimony of Americans with differing views, you elected the right guy. If you like 9.1% inflation rate (up from 1.25% when Biden took office), you elected the right guy.

Look, Viewman, for me and many others Trump jumped the shark on J6 when he sat on his ass and didn't call off the raid. That said, Trump left the country in far better shape than it is under Biden. You egomaniacal fucks put Biden and his cackling airhead vp in office, so you are complicit in the destruction of America. And, given the dismal cadre of weak candidates you have for 2024, you should be focusing on how you'll rescue America from another malfeasant term by the current traitor in chief. If you like the soaring crime rates in American cities, you elected the right guy. If you like having the boarder wide open to any terrorist who wants to blend in with the truly downtrodden, you elected the right guy. If you like the dreadful acrimony of Americans with differing views, you elected the right guy. If you like 9.1% inflation rate (up from 1.25% when Biden took office), you elected the right guy.
Note how this economics degreed person from Trump University so cleverly includes all of the Fox News current talking points in his rant.

Note how this economics degreed person from Trump University so cleverly includes all of the Fox News current talking points in his rant.

LOL, Bingo again !!!

I'm not real happy with the way things are going now either but preservation of our democracy is paramount. If Trump simply had the intelligence to not try and hijack an election, instead sit back, critique current performance and craft a plan without all the drama, he had a good chance of contributing to a GOP sweep of Congress this Fall, then taking the election legitimately in 2024. But when he says the VP has the legal right to stop the orderly transition of power - what? The man-child in him stepped out on stage again - one too many times. Under that way of thinking, Kamala has the right to stop the election in 2024. This is absurd and now he has cost himself the support of 2 of the most important conservative MSM sources that exist.

His loss of support from both Wall Street Journal and New York Post, as evidenced by two scathing editorials on Saturday calling him unfit to hold office again, isa blow to his hope to run for re-election again in 2024.

Over the weekend, both of the Rupert Murdoch-owned papers came down hard on the former president after the most recent House Select Committee hearing provided irrefutable evidence that Trump sat on his fat ass for over three hours and did nothing while the Capitol was under siege by his supporters.

After years of support for the twice-impeached former president, that information made it a 'no go' for the conservative editorial boards to continue to back his comeback efforts.

We need a statesman not a drama queen.
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LOL, Bingo again !!!

I'm not real happy with the way things are going now either but preservation of our democracy is paramount. If Trump simply had the intelligence to not try and hijack an election, instead sit back, critique current performance and craft a plan without all the drama, he had a good chance of contributing to a GOP sweep of Congress this Fall, then taking the election legitimately in 2024. But when he says the VP has the legal right to stop the orderly transition of power - what? The man-child in him stepped out on stage again - one too many times. Under that way of thinking, Kamala has the right to stop the election in 2024. This is absurd and now he has cost himself the support of 2 of the most important conservative MSM sources that exist.

His loss of support from both Wall Street Journal and New York Post, as evidenced by two scathing editorials on Saturday calling him unfit to hold office again, isa blow to his hope to run for re-election again in 2024.

Over the weekend, both of the Rupert Murdoch-owned papers came down hard on the former president after the most recent House Select Committee hearing provided irrefutable evidence that Trump sat on his fat ass for over three hours and did nothing while the Capitol was under siege by his supporters.

After years of support for the twice-impeached former president, that information made it a 'no go' for the conservative editorial boards to continue to back his comeback efforts.

We need a statesman not a drama queen.
Long before the election and his deplorable behavior, you had the same attitude about him. From before his inauguration senior democrats were calling for his impeachment. Well they got what they wanted and we had two kangaroo show trials conducted by your real drama queen democrats. No cross-examination, no justice, no fairness. They weren't intended to find truth, but only what the democrats wanted citizens to believe was the truth. Just like the J6 circus. Why do you think voters have lower approval for congress than they do for Biden...and, that's hard to do.

And your idea of a statesman is Biden? Or, Kamala?
They are what you voted for. How's that working out for America?

At least you don't have all those mean tweets to hurt your feelings.

Note how this economics degreed person from Trump University so cleverly includes all of the Fox News current talking points in his rant.
Go ahead, asswipe, show us where anything you posted is a talking point from anywhere.

You're the quintessential little brat that wants to be respected by anyone, but it will never happen.

Long before the election and his deplorable behavior, you had the same attitude about him. From before his inauguration senior democrats were calling for his impeachment. Well they got what they wanted and we had two kangaroo show trials conducted by your real drama queen democrats. No cross-examination, no justice, no fairness. They weren't intended to find truth, but only what the democrats wanted citizens to believe was the truth. Just like the J6 circus. Why do you think voters have lower approval for congress than they do for Biden...and, that's hard to do.

And your idea of a statesman is Biden? Or, Kamala?
They are what you voted for. How's that working out for America?

At least you don't have all those mean tweets to hurt your feelings.

Oh my, someone hit a nerve - LOL. I'm not talking about mean tweets asswipe (your term) I'm talking about 1) ignoring the Constitution and calling our VP a coward for not also ignoring it and 2) Sitting on his fat ass while people ran rampant thru our capital shouting, 'Hang Mike Pense.' even though his daughter and 'Sect'y of Everything,' Kushner (among many others) requested him to go on natoional TV and de-escalate. Instead, he went on and told them he 'wuved them'. We nmeed new blood - NOT Trump and NOT Biden/Harris. Had he prevailed god knows who would be in his cabinet - Roger Stone? Vlad? Tucker the Fucker Carlson?

Long before the election and his deplorable behavior, you had the same attitude about him. From before his inauguration senior democrats were calling for his impeachment. Well they got what they wanted and we had two kangaroo show trials conducted by your real drama queen democrats. No cross-examination, no justice, no fairness. They weren't intended to find truth, but only what the democrats wanted citizens to believe was the truth. Just like the J6 circus. Why do you think voters have lower approval for congress than they do for Biden...and, that's hard to do.

And your idea of a statesman is Biden? Or, Kamala?
They are what you voted for. How's that working out for America?

At least you don't have all those mean tweets to hurt your feelings.
No justice? No fairness? Please tell me what his side of the story is exactly? We all saw what happened and who encouraged it and sat back and did ABSOLUTELY nothing to stop it. There’s no defense for that