60 Minutes


Heard they are gonna rip Mallinckrodt a new one on Sunday. Denying kids medicine that used to cost $40 and now costs $40K.

Earnings on Tuesday.

Enjoy your week and enjoy your Karma!!!

I hate to tell you it is called making profits. The problem was the town foolishly paid for all the benefits on its employees and unfortunately 2 cases in 1 year can happen. The number of 400k is inflated. 3 vials per case or 4 most is 240-320k,

All pharmaceutical companies make profit.

There are drugs on the market that cost 700k -1.4 million so everyone needs to relax.

How can anyone try to justify this??? Have you no soul?? Profit is one thing. Raping the healthcare system is another. Karma is a bitch!!!

How dare you! HO has college tuition to pay for, vacation homes, a nice house and country club dues. This stuff isn’t cheap. Not to mention a spouse to support in style. You don’t think guys like him get by on looks and personality do you?! Try and show a little compassion.

How dare you! HO has college tuition to pay for, vacation homes, a nice house and country club dues. This stuff isn’t cheap. Not to mention a spouse to support in style. You don’t think guys like him get by on looks and personality do you?! Try and show a little compassion.

Since you brought up looks, please hire some high caliber makeup artists when filming these PR videos. These executives looked tired.

Heard they are gonna rip Mallinckrodt a new one on Sunday. Denying kids medicine that used to cost $40 and now costs $40K.

Earnings on Tuesday.

Enjoy your week and enjoy your Karma!!!
Hopefully Leslie Stahl will include in the story the fact that MNK not only owns acthar but also bought what could have been a competitor (synacthan) and then decided not to bring to market in US so that acthar would have monopoly, even though synacthen is used in the EU at a fraction of cost of acthar with no worries about disease transmission as it is a synthetic product.

Heard they are gonna rip Mallinckrodt a new one on Sunday. Denying kids medicine that used to cost $40 and now costs $40K.

Earnings on Tuesday.

Enjoy your week and enjoy your Karma!!!
Great move by Marky Mark promoting Fat head Hugh to CCO to take the blame. Fat lady is singing and HUgh O is taking the heat. What a move by MT.

How dare you! HO has college tuition to pay for, vacation homes, a nice house and country club dues. This stuff isn’t cheap. Not to mention a spouse to support in style. You don’t think guys like him get by on looks and personality do you?! Try and show a little compassion.
Isn’t Hugh thrice divorced? Scum bag! Why does MNK hire the worst people with no talent. Here come the penny stocks.

if you think you hate Mnk now you will hate it more ina few weeks if you are one of the many people let go as part of the integration process and snergies.
FYI MT and HO will still be here.