59 people viewing...

Or they have smartphones they use while waiting to talk to a provider. You're not that smart are you?

I think the OP was trying to point out that the number of viewers during prime work hours is a fair indicator of the distraction that this mess is causing.

You definitely are not very bright. Think outside of the box dumbo!

Insider here (on break, cannot say more) : Company monitors and surveillance tam are on this site 24/7, this includes DMs, IT and HR. Possibly even an RD. Be careful what you post, don't get entrapped to spill your name.

Thanks, what's your email address so I can send you some frxcellence points

I don't agree. I do agree with some of what you said but not some of the other stuff you said. I would agree with more of what you said if, you would say more things for me to agree with. Please change some of your views so we can all be on the same page.

Fact: you are an idiot, no one monitors or would ever allocate resources to monitor this site

Another Fact: this is a 9-2 job at best!! Reps should and will do what's best for themselves
And their family, instead of fattening the Execs pockets.

Upper mangement is ruthless and has no respect whatsoever for the sales field because they're considered just a number. No more, no less

Insider here (on break, cannot say more) : Company monitors and surveillance tam are on this site 24/7, this includes DMs, IT and HR. Possibly even an RD. Be careful what you post, don't get entrapped to spill your name.

Fact: you are an idiot, no one monitors or would ever allocate resources to monitor this site

Another Fact: this is a 9-2 job at best!! Reps should and will do what's best for themselves
And their family, instead of fattening the Execs pockets.

Upper mangement is ruthless and has no respect whatsoever for the sales field because they're considered just a number. No more, no less

Insider here: Management monitors this site 24/7 including weekends. I'm on duty tonite. Handoff to SoCal at 3 AM local. Yes sales reps are just a number....but so are the DMs and RDs. You must never consider your rep job 9 -2 , it is a calling, a movement, a sacred duty. Your sales may save someone's life. The call you fake could cost someone their life. So my friend, as an insider here I beg you to work not 20 hrs a week but 60 ! Your company will take care of you, you will get your reward in the end.

Insider here (on break, cannot say more) : Company monitors and surveillance tam are on this site 24/7, this includes DMs, IT and HR. Possibly even an RD. Be careful what you post, don't get entrapped to spill your name.

Im not afraid to tell them that i come from a proud family name of Schwetty. We're known for our famous Schwetty balls. Great with pasta or gravy.

Say it loud, say it with pleasure. Schwetty balls meat balls.

Why would they care what's posted here? Not like anyone has any real information that can't be disseminated due to ftc laws, secret trade secrets to reveal or anything of value. Just rants, speculation and opinions. How's that a threat to anyone? It may hurt a feeling but doesn't diminish the reputation of a company.

Im not afraid to tell them that i come from a proud family name of Schwetty. We're known for our famous Schwetty balls. Great with pasta or gravy.

Say it loud, say it with pleasure. Schwetty balls meat balls.

Why would they care what's posted here? Not like anyone has any real information that can't be disseminated due to ftc laws, secret trade secrets to reveal or anything of value. Just rants, speculation and opinions. How's that a threat to anyone? It may hurt a feeling but doesn't diminish the reputation of a company.

Company Monitor here: Your humorous post breaks up a boring morning monitoring the site. Thanks