55 cents a mile lawsuit?


Hey my brother said that we could probably
Sue for mileage? We should have been compensated
For all the miles we drove for this company. Does
Anyone know a good law firm we can use? Let's
All stick together on this!! Our voices must be
Heard!!! We cool!

First off, I think this threat is just baiting someone to respond - "Yeah, let's sue their pants off!"

However, if it is serious, and given some of the posts I have seen here, that really would not surprise me, heed the following:

You can claim (currently) 55.5 cents per mile driven for work if you are using your personal car in the conduct of your work. Some companies that do not have fleet cars will have you document mileage and they will reimburse you at that rate. Other companies do not offer mileage reimbursement even if you use your vehicle for work. You are then responsible for claiming your mileage as a legitimate business deduction.

As someone else pointed out, the sales force drives fleet cars and these cars are filled using company credit cards so on what basis would you feel you can file a lawsuit?

Yes, I understand the Novartis owns the
Car but were the ones DRIVING the cars
So we could technically be compensated
For the miles WE drive. My brothers friends
A lawyer so I'm waitin to hear back from him

Keep your fingers crossed

Yes, I understand the Novartis owns the
Car but were the ones DRIVING the cars
So we could technically be compensated
For the miles WE drive. My brothers friends
A lawyer so I'm waitin to hear back from him

Keep your fingers crossed

Are you stupid?
You are what is wrong with our country!
If you believed this was a valid claim, which it is not, why would you wait until now to do it?
Deal with the fact that the company is downsizing, we all will be compensated, and move on!