500 New jobs in Tucson, AZ



Roche announces 500 jobs, $180M expansion in AZ
October 15, 2010 — 8:36am ET | By Erica Teichert

Roche's Tucson, AZ, subsidiary, Ventana Medical Systems, has received the green light for a major expansion. The parent company announced a $180 million expansion to its current Oro Valley Campus, which includes 500 new employees, doubling Ventana's workforce in five years.

The announcement comes as a relief for the Tucson area, which cements itself in the biotech industry. Ventana was courted by Indianapolis, southern California and northern New Jersey as other potential sites for the expansion. "This project raises Arizona global competitiveness in bioscience and will have a lasting impact as we compete to attract other global companies," Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said.

Ventana's Arizona connections run deep; the company was originally spun off from the University of Arizona and was bought out by Roche in 2008. Oro Valley Mayor Satish Hiremath said no monetary concessions were made for the expansion, but the city will expedite its development efforts, according to the Arizona Daily Star.

This project is on hold according to Roche. Doesn't mean it isn't going to happen, just not as quick as had been expected. They have the land and they have the permits, clearances, etc. There are other locations where diagnostics could invest cheaper.

This project is on hold according to Roche. Doesn't mean it isn't going to happen, just not as quick as had been expected. They have the land and they have the permits, clearances, etc. There are other locations where diagnostics could invest cheaper.

Like china, india or mexico? They are already expanding in china, so why not?

Roche is already expanding into China in a BIG way. Let's see how long it takes for the mother ship to realize that many products can and are being made in China at half the cost. I know that one plant in China (not owned by Roche) has been making Herceptin for over 5 years. Patents mean nothing there.