500,000 sample deal


I haven't heard much about this deal lately, or the rep who landed it.

I figured that they would find some reason to fire that rep. If it hasn't happened, I am sure it will.

This happened back in September with a rep in Oklahoma, I'm fairly certain his initials were JW and he was a member of the Patton Society. Rob sent out an email saying that one of our reps "changed his life' in one deal. Conveniently that rep was no longer employed by Castle about a month later. Not sure what happened......

These stories are always somewhere else. Told by DVPs like LP who taught the guy. But no one ever hears anything else unless they are saying hey you suck, this guy did this, why can't you? Also no one ever sees any evidence of said accounts. If this deal was really ever made there would be tangible numbers to prove it. But there never are, are there.

Does anybody remember when Stacey did a training and she had the company wide numbers on her computer? They were not very impressive, certainly nothing like they proclaim. Those numbers probably did not include the DVP accounts but still they really do not seem to be posting huge numbers despite all the reps they have hired. One thing you will start to notice is that accounts are won but then they are also lost. This short term thinking will not work for long.

I think the 500,000 DNA deal was in Florida. I haven't heard much about that for a long time.

NO WAY not FLORIDA........I workded in FL ... There was NEVER any deal like that...The
total DNA samples I did were aboout 75 from July to Dec....I was only paid on 24 samples
to date....Castle didn't know how to code or bill for them....so of course they had to eat
most of the cost of doing business...........The other two guys who produced DNA samples,
Joey from Al did about 400, who went back to a collector for Castle after he tried sales for
6 months and couldn't make any $$$$ and the other guy Carl (AL) who did about 100 samples
got promoted to the new DVP of FL after being here for 5 months.. He made Joey his collector in his existing accounts....

Talking with Carl is like listening to a WWF Wrestler on TV.
I could only stand about 3 minutes of his bragging. So your telling me he isn't the sales guru he tell all of us he is?

I think it was FL.

The rep landed a deal with a national internal medicine clinical research organization that wanted to do clinical studies on DNA testing. It was supposed to be like 500,000 samples over the next few years.

Castle doesn't even pay it's representatives on DNA because they don't know how to bill. There are two representatives in Texas have both sent in over 100+ Medicare DNA samples and they have both been paid on about 20 of them. Embarrassing.

Yup, I know exactly the deal you're talking about and the rep you're talking about. He was bragging about it for weeks. Turns out the deal wasn't real. The rep made it all up.

I think it was FL.

The rep landed a deal with a national internal medicine clinical research organization that wanted to do clinical studies on DNA testing. It was supposed to be like 500,000 samples over the next few years.

Well.......I was the only rep in FLORIDA for my last six months at Castle-June-Dec 2014.
The only rep who ever had samples sent into Castle from Fl...so of course when
Carl got promoted to DVP of Fl after 5 months.... He fired me....He was my DVP for
3 days.. Never met him in person....Just had to hear him brag about himself for 5 months
on calls with my old region...It was complete Torture..........

There was NEVER a deal like that...........Ever.....besides.....Castle couldn't handle that many

Talking with Carl is like listening to a WWF Wrestler on TV.
I could only stand about 3 minutes of his bragging. So your telling me he isn't the sales guru he tell all of us he is?

Ha......Carl was brought over from another very small lab by Lou....They were Buddies...
He had two existing accounts with collectors who gave him all his business...Like most reps
he opened or signed on new accounts but couldn't make them active...send in samples...After six months he was just hitting 200 samples a week....As a rep he never did 250 a week...ever...He put Joey in his accounts when he became DVP to FL...
nobbody with Castle got it.....You have to work your account and grow a reationship and
actually In-service them to get samples..They finally started to implement the concept
before I left but didn't realize you must In-service more than once....complete cluster ...

I was never a fan of him or ever going to be his ra-ra cheerleader...He hired 7 new reps in Fl for the Jan training class....The one thing I know is he didn't get any of my old accounts......They think he and the New Castle.....are a joke...........

Well.......I was the only rep in FLORIDA for my last six months at Castle-June-Dec 2014.
The only rep who ever had samples sent into Castle from Fl...so of course when
Carl got promoted to DVP of Fl after 5 months.... He fired me....He was my DVP for
3 days.. Never met him in person....Just had to hear him brag about himself for 5 months
on calls with my old region...It was complete Torture..........

There was NEVER a deal like that...........Ever.....besides.....Castle couldn't handle that many

The rep who landed the deal started in February and found found that clinic his first day in the field.

Someone mentioned it in a previous post and I believe them to be correct about 500,000 samples are not feasible with Castles present operations. I have seen Castles lab and spoke with the lab employees about volume with a group of new hires standing by.. Ain't no way Castle is doing that much volume. It's not physically possible with what they presently have to work with. I may be wrong but I sure don't see it.

500,000 samples of anything generates a lot of shipping boxes and logistics challenges. I also believe that our fearless leader would have more to focus on than HC1 if this was a reality.

I wouldn't be so upset with Castle about all of this "Fluff" except I have along many other people quit a paying job to do this. Shame on You Castle! Your Cannons belong to another company I think

People, these posts of a mythical 500,000 account are obviously coming from someone at corporate. We've all seen the facility. No way could THAT facility handle THAT amount of volume. Stop listening to this rhetoric. This story is worse than Rob's...wait nothing is worse than ANY of those fake stories. Corporate's BS is sooooooo easy to see through!!!

The rep who landed the deal started in February and found found that clinic his first day in the field.

Yea Right...Your a joke...and so is the New Castle..........Hi my name CB and I'm the DVP
of Florida...I'm with Castle labs.... I mean we are the new Castle...this is what I'm being
told his pitch is when he and the rep he is riding with go into an office to call on an
account...........The old Castle clients think he is such a joke......

Yea Right...Your a joke...and so is the New Castle..........Hi my name CB and I'm the DVP
of Florida...I'm with Castle labs.... I mean we are the new Castle...this is what I'm being
told his pitch is when he and the rep he is riding with go into an office to call on an
account...........The old Castle clients think he is such a joke......

Hey man, I am just writing what I was told by my DVP, so we could get this straight.

All I know is that my DVP said a rep in Florida landed a 500,000 sample deal in his first day. That was in February.

No reason to call me a joke, we don't need that in our forum. I am just trying to give info that was given to me.