49 year old female in IS


Seriously concerned about my job. My son starts college in the fall and I need my job. I keep hearing a lot of buzz that we have a year or a week. That is a large spread. I can handle a year. I thought we would have been gone a long time ago so that is eternity to our division. But the rumor of "a week" devastates me. Can someone that knows anything help?


Seriously concerned about my job. My son starts college in the fall and I need my job. I keep hearing a lot of buzz that we have a year or a week. That is a large spread. I can handle a year. I thought we would have been gone a long time ago so that is eternity to our division. But the rumor of "a week" devastates me. Can someone that knows anything help?

Call me. I can help. You can make thou$sands from your home. 800-MATURXXX

Joe Francis

Seriously concerned about my job. My son starts college in the fall and I need my job. I keep hearing a lot of buzz that we have a year or a week. That is a large spread. I can handle a year. I thought we would have been gone a long time ago so that is eternity to our division. But the rumor of "a week" devastates me. Can someone that knows anything help?

Sad that someone took this in jest. Sick actually. I am not with PFE but know many there. Start looking for work now. As far as your son in college, the worst case is that you ask for financial aid due to a stress situation. Many biotechs are looking for people. Please start looking now just in case. Even if oiu are retained - get out asap. There WILL be more layoffs.

BTW - biotechs pay much much more. Pharma wil never pay you the kind of money you make now.

Seriously concerned about my job. My son starts college in the fall and I need my job. I keep hearing a lot of buzz that we have a year or a week. That is a large spread. I can handle a year. I thought we would have been gone a long time ago so that is eternity to our division. But the rumor of "a week" devastates me. Can someone that knows anything help?

Why don't you offer to help your sons college friends with their homework?

Sad that someone took this in jest. Sick actually. I am not with PFE but know many there. Start looking for work now. As far as your son in college, the worst case is that you ask for financial aid due to a stress situation. Many biotechs are looking for people. Please start looking now just in case. Even if oiu are retained - get out asap. There WILL be more layoffs.

BTW - biotechs pay much much more. Pharma wil never pay you the kind of money you make now.

Thank you! Advice will taken! I will plan for the worst and pray for the best!

Seriously concerned about my job. My son starts college in the fall and I need my job. I keep hearing a lot of buzz that we have a year or a week. That is a large spread. I can handle a year. I thought we would have been gone a long time ago so that is eternity to our division. But the rumor of "a week" devastates me. Can someone that knows anything help?

Why would you believe anything you hear on this site? If cuts were planned you would have already heard about it.

Seriously concerned about my job. My son starts college in the fall and I need my job. I keep hearing a lot of buzz that we have a year or a week. That is a large spread. I can handle a year. I thought we would have been gone a long time ago so that is eternity to our division. But the rumor of "a week" devastates me. Can someone that knows anything help?

Why would you believe anything you hear on this site? If cuts were planned you would have already heard about it.

Oh, ok. We would have already heard about it??
Question... Vaccine has Chantix. It is going to national sales force. What happens to vaccine reps?