46 percent of doctors give Obamacare a 'D' or 'F'

Meaning that 54% rate it A, B or C ie average to excellent?

Since apparently you can't read... Here is an excerpt from the article. Go ask your Mom to read it to you. "Forty-six percent of doctors give President Obama's healthcare law a "D" or an "F," according to a new survey from the Physicians Foundation. In contrast, just 25 percent of those surveyed gave the law an "A" or a "B."

Re: price gouging is going down

Since apparently you can't read... Here is an excerpt from the article. Go ask your Mom to read it to you. "Forty-six percent of doctors give President Obama's healthcare law a "D" or an "F," according to a new survey from the Physicians Foundation. In contrast, just 25 percent of those surveyed gave the law an "A" or a "B."

Because they make less money. The price gouging is going down. That is better for the patients.

Since apparently you can't read... Here is an excerpt from the article. Go ask your Mom to read it to you. "Forty-six percent of doctors give President Obama's healthcare law a "D" or an "F," according to a new survey from the Physicians Foundation. In contrast, just 25 percent of those surveyed gave the law an "A" or a "B."

Did I not say A B and..............C?

Now do pay attention in class

I believe that means 29% gave it a C, while a combined 46% gave it a D or F.
However you want to look at it, it is a massive FAILURE, which must be repealed.

Please tell me you are not someone who thinks Obamacare is a good idea and that it will work.

I believe that means 29% gave it a C, while a combined 46% gave it a D or F.
However you want to look at it, it is a massive FAILURE, which must be repealed.

Please tell me you are not someone who thinks Obamacare is a good idea and that it will work.

So 54% of a group with a vested interest like it a bit and that's a massive failure?

I am saying no such thing

What I am merely pointing out are the salient points and relevant limitations of the little survey you mention and indeed, the conclusions that you draw from it. To be frank, you seem to be rather childish.

When was the article written and when was the survey conducted?

When would you like it to have been written and conducted? I have called on 100's of doctors and healthcare providers over the years. Almost unanimously, they think Obamacare is awful and should be thrown out. It is bad for healthcare, it is bad for the economy, it is bad for America.

When would you like it to have been written and conducted? I have called on 100's of doctors and healthcare providers over the years. Almost unanimously, they think Obamacare is awful and should be thrown out. It is bad for healthcare, it is bad for the economy, it is bad for America.

You didn't answer the question

"They're [articles] blogs. They don't get edited. We don't give any direction to people on what to write in their blogs. And that's standard operating procedure" says said editor

Do you have any more 'evidence'?

I have done enough work for you and I have provided enough evidence to support the obvious. How 'bout this, Mr. Reality-Denier, why don't you show me evidence that disproves the sad reality of Obamacare and what doctors REALLY think about it.